Batty savior.

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Revamped! Hallow x reader.

Basically, Hallow got his design updated and I love it so much! I just had to write about it.

I like to change the outcast's designs every few months or so, just to give em lil changes.

I hope the pic is there, if not or if you can't see it, I'll describe it the best I can.


Your breathing was ragged as you ran from the bullies who loved to torture you any chance they could.

Many of them thought you were weird, loving supernatural beings. Vampires, spirits, werewolves, angels, demons, gorgons, any of the above.

They always interested you, each of their back stores unique and different. Some sad, some scary and some heartwarming.

And everyone thought you were weird for writing or drawing about those creatures.

Your feet and legs trembled under you as you tried to run even faster from the group of kids chasing you.

Each of them cackling like goblins, their hands reaching for you and your hair, trying to grasp it and pull you back to fall.

They ended up backing you into dead trees, each of the leaves had fallen long ago, leaving bare branches and sharp thorns.

Your back was to the tree as you slid into a ball, your knees to your chest, hands over your head in effort to protect yourself from their harmful hands.

You had closed your eyes as you heard them getting closer, accepting your fate, you waited for the blows to come.

And waited,......

And waited,.....

It had gotten silent now? Except for that loud menacing hiss, causing the group of children to run in fear, probably crying for their mothers.

The flapping of large wings had gotten your attention as something landed next to you with a loud thump, cracking twigs under its feet.

"Sweet fang, its alright, they won't hurt you anymore." The voice sounded masculine, with a thick Russian accent, a caring tone in their voice.

Opening your eyes, a gloved hand was in front of you, waiting for you to take it so it could help you up.

The fingers and the arm connected to it were completely white, almost whiter than the snow around you both. It was made of bare bone.

They wore a black cloak, it covered most of their body, but you could tell that they were stocky and very tall.

At least six foot five.

Two big bat like ears were tilted on their skull, fading to black at the tips while having white fluff at the tips.

Black markings were on their face, ending in swirls, two down each of their eyes, cheeks and one on their forehead.

Their eyes were solid black with stunning yellow pupils, them looking at you in concern and worry.

Two fangs stuck out of their 'lip', slightly having a red tint to them.

Seeing no sign of a threat, you take his hand, which was cold, as he helps you up slowly.

He gives you a nervous smile. "I'm glad you're alright. I was worried you were hurt."

You shake your head. "I ran from them before they could hurt me... Thank you for chasing them away."

He nods. "I just did the right thing, vwhy vwere they chasing after you anyway?" He tucks his arm back under his cloak.

"They tend to make fun of me... They hate it that I'm not like them, I love the creepy and weird." You chuckle, halfheartedly.

His ears perk and his eyes light up. "Really? How's this for weird and creepy?"

He shrugs the cloak off his shoulders and stretches out his arms, revealing the large webbed wings he had.

They were huge, mostly a faded whitish lavender combo, perfectly intact, not one scar upon them.

You smile in awe, a were-bat? Vampire? It didn't matter! He was real! One was standing in front of you smiling with his large fangs.

"Can I?" You ask getting closer to him with your small hands out, a shy smile on your face.

He nods and kneels down to your height. "I don't mind sweet fang, go ahead."

Your eyes lit up with joy as you ran your fingers across the leathery skin, it was weird, his wings were much more warmer then his icy hands.

He chuckles at your adorable Innocents, a slight orange blush on his pale face.

"Do you have somewhere to be sweet fang? I'm sure your parents must be vworried about you." He asks, ruffling your hair.

You smile. "My grandma's! She lives close by here actually."

"I can take ya there." He smiles and bows down so you can hop into his hoodie, and with how small you were, you fit just right!

"Hold on tight, don't vwant to hurt that pretty little head of yours." He winks spreading his wings and taking off of the ground.


You both had landed in the snow covered driveway of your grandmother's house. Many snowflakes had landed in your hair, your cheeks were rosy from the cold.

He smiles and sets you on your feet. "Vwell, here we are sweet fang. Home sweet home."

You quickly hug him, well, his leg since he was so tall, he chuckles and ruffles your hair once again.

"Thank you Mr.Batty!" You giggle and dash off to surprise your grandma with a bizarre story.

He stood at the end of the driveway, making sure you had gotten inside safely.

Your grandmother was confused as to what you were so happy about, looking out her kitchen window her eyes widened at the giant bat monster standing in the driveway.

He sends her a wink before flying up into the sky faster then her eyes could follow.

"I think I forgot to take my morning medication.." She mumbles in disbelief.


I got bored and since I rarely write one where the reader is a kid, here ya go.

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