Eyes of a yandere.

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Most of ya voted for Amour next! You got it! He's my favorite psycho babe.

Tbh, wattpad crashed once when I write this! :D

And I have no idea what to write. Plz help.


I let out a snort as I sat up, slightly panicked noticing Creator wasn't next to me. She must have woken up before me.

I let out a breath and stood up, latching my arms back in their place, lacking my usual blindfold thanks to Creator washing it last night, I left her room, silently as always.


I wasn't sure what time it was, but I knew it was some time in the afternoon, how? Well, that's around the time each of the idiots begin to wake up.

My ruby eyes scanned the room, a small smile on my face as I the room around me turned grey, outlining all of my hidden weapons within the room in a beautiful shade of red.

Oddly enough each of the idiots below me, their eyes lit up in my special vision. It was odd, which made me want to rip their eyes out even more.

"Are you just going to stare or are you going to join us?" Lockheart had asked me, standing in front of me with crossed arms.

I slowly turned my head to him, my eyes sending a shiver down his spine even if he didn't admit it, I knew he was scared of me.

He should be.

After all I could break his neck and shove his heels down his throat if I wanted to. Yet I choose not to.

"Where's your blindfold? You're eyes a creepy as f**k." He mutters, cupping my cheek and turning my skull, looking for it I think.

I don't know why he worries for me so much, its obvious I'm not a child. Even as an infant I slit my nurses throat with my hospital bracelet.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying." I reply and begin to walk down the stairs, eagerly looking for Creator among the crowd of.. Mistakes.


"Oh please, all I know how to use is a toaster and microwave." Creator had laughed, while speaking with my oldest brother Cupid.

Cupid's aura didn't mix well with mine, mine was chilling.. Making hair stand on end, almost like a sixth sense when you know someone is behind you.

That's me.

I giggle to myself and unlatched my hands, wrapping my arms around her waist, sniffing her scent of cotton candy.

She smiled and rubbed between my horns affectionately, I let out a purr and held her tighter.

Cupid looked a little uncomfortable, he slowly turned back to the stove. As badly as I wanted to slam his skull into the oven, I ignored my urges and enjoyed Creator's head pats.


At the kitchen table I sat in Creator's lap, she typed on her phone about me, it seemed to be a draft of my new design and back story.

I ate a box of pocky as I did every morning, I stared at the others around the table, making sure none of the were looking at our mother.

Coby tried to eat without his vipers swooping down and taking it from him, but failed.

Asher ate his waffles in silence, scrolling through his phone with ear buds in. Most likely listening to punk covers of popular songs.

I imagined strangling him with the cord until he choked to death, but I shook my head with a smile.

Hallow's ears twitched angrily as he muttered curse words at his stupid handheld gaming thing. "Stupid b*tch a** Whitney, stop healing that f**king Miltank!"

Now that he had ears, it only made me want to cut them off with my lucky knife and hang them next to my anime posters.

Lockheart sat at the table with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his constant resting b*tch face. What had crawled up his non a** and died?

Maybe he was just dealing with pms constantly.

Fear never joined us as usual, it didn't matter though, I'll get him soon enough and chop off each of those legs till his white blood coats the floor.

Creator just pat my head as I giggled to myself.


I walked through the garden with my hands free, I helped Cupid with its upkeep. Cutting away the weeds, feeding the fish and watering flowers when I felt like it.

He had his part I had mine.

I smiled at the small patch of red roses I had planted, although they were originally white when I planted them months ago.

Each shade was from a different persons head.

I giggle to myself as Cupid sent me a worried look.

Mari even looked confused and a little scared.



"Hey Amour have you seen my-"

"You know, I'd like you more if you weren't alive." I reply, setting my manga down.


"Never mind then!" Romeo quickly runs back into the house, leaving me on the porch to finish my manga.


The sun had set, Creator had fallen asleep while watching YouTube again.

I put her phone on the charger and took her glasses off her face, throwing a blanket over her then kissing her forehead.

She smiled in her sleep and hugged Mari even closer, I didn't mind, I had some cleaning to do anyway.


In the kitchen, I stood there in the dark, only the light above the stove lit up the silent pink themed kitchen.

I scrubbed the blood out from under my claws then used a washrag to wash the blood of the knife I always carried.

Cyrus had stepped into the kitchen and took one look at my small pupils.

"Nope. F**k this sh*t I'm out."  He sticks his arms up and walks put of the room.

I shrugged my shoulders and began to scrub my jacket with its usual peppermint cleaner.

End. That was a day in the life of Amour! Yep total psycho all day long and I love him for it! <3

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