chapter 20 meghan's POV

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befor we got our seats we all went to get food and drinks. me rea and em always looked for the cute boys. so i was looking around and i saw this HOTT boyy!! "omg yall look look look like noww!!!" i yelled pointing at him
em-holy hott!! he looks like dalton from school
rea-yea lil bit but i think he also kinda looks like drew
meg-yass!! he does
em-yass!! we can call him dalton/drew aka d/d!
rea & meg-yassss!!!
em-yall...what if he sits somewhere near us!
meg-oh gahh
rea-as long as he didnt see us starting were good!
em-umm yall turn around..
as they turned around it was d/d😂
rea-omg!! just great!
end of convo.
as we were walking to the stand to get some food and drinks #fatgirlprobzz
we walked up to the stand
"can i help yall?"
e-yes can i get 1 dr.pepper 2 rootbeers and 3 cheese nachos
"yes. heres u drinks"
e-thank you
"and your nachos"
"your welcome!"
i forgot to tell them that he was sitting close to us im just gonna let them find that out!
we got everyone and went to our seats.
on the middle of the row is
taylor's mom my mom me meghan then reagan.the row infront is sammy then taylor infront of his mom the kenny then hayes infront of me then matt the jack. them the row behind them is taylor's dad and my dad.
i just happened to look over and see d/d with another guy beside him. he is kinda cute to! i said yall there he is!!!
mom-yall get down there boys yall scoot down by that other boy down there.
she took our pics and then said
mom-boys u get down here and girls go where they were. well we made emma sit by him cause there wasnt enough room to skip a seat. we walked over there and his parents had went somewhere. his friend pointed at me and said hey look he turned around
me-heyy ummm is anyone sitting here
d/d-no not yet why?
me-cause my mom is taking the guys pics and i need to sit here
d/d-oh okay.
we sat down and got on our snapchats.
e-okay yall ready
r&e-yes meghan
r&e-its okay😂
i got meghan to take it cause she was on the end. she took it and gave it to me. i looked at it and both of them made a face and got in the pic. my mom said we could go back over there so we told them bye and sat down. the game was about to start so i got my blanket and got comfy.

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