chapter 38 still emma's POV

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the preacher took everyone to this room in the funeral home...i felt like crying my eyes out but i had already broke down infront of matt to many times and i dont want him seeing my like that! i love him and im glad he likes to stand up for me and make sure im okay but...i dont like crying alot infront of my boyfriend..but i already know im gonna cry i just dont wont to cry a whole lot! good thing i made meghan and reagan put on water proof mascara and i did too! hahaha..
there were three boys that i dont even know who they are read there little note thing about how they knew him..
well then it was my turn..
and then hayes'
then peytons..
meghan,reagan,matt,and jack didnt really know him so they didnt write anything to say
"okay if i can now see nick's cousin,emma?" the preacher said
"yea here i am sir"
"okay come on and say your words"
i could feel the tears come up..emma keep them in i kept saying to myself
i started reading my letter
"okay well as some of yall know i am well was nicks cousin.we used to be so close when we were younger but after my aunt and uncle split up the first time its like we were total strangers when we saw eachother.wherever we were at we didnt talk to eachother.then my bestie meghan came along with her boyfriend hayes.that is actually was nicks bestfriend more like brother.and hayes wanted us to meet his friends peyton and nick.peyton was also really close to nick! and when he walked through the door for me to 'meet' him.we gave eachother a funny look and just pretended we didnt know that i dont know why.when i found out he had died i wanted to go jump off a bridge.that was the worst pain i have ever felt! i loved nick so much and i just dont know why this had to happen.atleast now! he is 13! anyways we had so many great memories! i had some good times with ya bud! we will miss ya bro i love you!" then thats when i felt tears roll down my face.
everyone was clapping
when i walked back over to matt you could tell he wanted to cry!
i was still crying
i went and sat by him
"hey babe im sorry! that letter was so sweet!" matt said.
"thanks bae i love you so much" i said as i started to cry
"i love you too! forever!!"he said pulling me towards him.
after everyones letter the person who wrote the letter picks the song!
well i chose amnesia!
only because nick liked that song😂 and i wish this didnt happen
after the song was over the preacher said
"hayes,hayes grier?i need you please!"
"yes sir" hayes said
"alright yall im sorry if i start to cry or tear up. nick was my brother and i miss him so much so im sorry! i never cry by the way!"
everyone laughed
im glad some people were laughing nick would like it that way
"anyways on with the note"
i began the note
"alright yall if yall didnt know im hayes,hayes grier.nick..wowww where do i even begin! like i dont even know! i have known him since i was a baby! my mom and his mom grew up together! so...well anyways! me and nick on the first day of kindergarten wore the same freaking shirt..haha I remember! it was a white shirt with blue plaid on it😂 but we didnt have the same teacher! nick and i did everything together..i still remember the time in 6 grade when we went to the mall together and asked for their number and this girl thought he was being serious so she gave him her number well it turned our she was in 9 grade and looked our age!! hahaha!! im gonna miss going to play sports everyday and talk about how cute my girlfriend is! and yes meghan nick had a crush on you!well anyways im scared if i say anything else yall will be here all night! i love you bro! we miss you like crazyyy!"
i felt the tears start to come.
i walked off back to meghan! she hopped up and hugged me really tight and said "thanks for always talking about how hot i am!" "well who could resist!" "haha hayes this is why i love you!" "hahaha" she hopped down and we sat down the tears actually started coming out.....
meghan looked at me and held my hand i looked at her and smiled
"alright for the last one can i see peyton"
i started reading my letter
"alright yall well im peyton! just like hayes said we grew up together! we would go to the mall and prank people and all that other crap! we had some crazy times! oh and with hayes! those were probably the best times though! well gahh man! im sure gonna miss ya! oh and if yall didnt know i was the one in the car wreck with nick..if he would have let me drive i would be the one in the casket! i wish that happened but its nick he is gonna do what he wants! but im like hayes if i keep on yall will be her for one heck of a time! we miss ya bro i love you!"
after the song and the preacher prayed we went outside to burry the casket! this is when everyone is gonna cry!
everybody was crying as they went to burry it..and all of a sudden and emma and hayes are on the ground crying and i will be there cause im bouta to cry!
after they burried it we said bye to his family and left!

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