chapter 43 sarahs pov:

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im so happy!
me and kian have worked everything out!
ohh and at the reception (like a after party after the wedding) i get to find out if the baby is a boy or girl!! yayyy!!
my two friends nicole and leah are on there way to get ready. all the other girls are here just waiting on them.
its only 10:43 but they have to get here early cause have to get our hair and nails done and the wedding starts at 6:00PM
i hope everything turns out right and we dont have any problems!

finally nicole and leah show up so we all put our dresses on and got in the limo
yessss,kian got me a limo! its soo prettyyy
its white with purple zebra print on it!
i LOVE the color purple! and so does reagan!
we all laughed!
"okay soo...who am i walking with? i dont really matter who im just wondering??" leah said.
"well you are walking with kians friend,luke." i said.
"luke who?? KORNS??"
"oh gahh leah.."
"whatt he is"
"yeaa i mean sarah he actually is.."emma said and rea and meg agreed
"haha" i laughed
"like meg told me when he was over when we became friends and i always loved coming over yet i only said hey to him once..." emma said
"haha yall crack me up" i said

we pulled up to the and hair and nail place
lynzee is doing my hair and nails!!
i love her! her and mom grew up together!
melody is doing nicoles
sarah is doing reagans.(she is lynzees sister)
tracie is doing leah! im glad cause leah talks alot and so does tracie!
amanda is doing meghans
and erica is doing emmas (thats her aunt)
okay so for my hair im doing a braid on one side and one on the other and in the back it will connect to this bun that looks like a flower
and the brides maids hair is gonna be curled with the side their hair parts to bobby pinned back
and our nails are gonna be the purple color of the brides maids dresses and on the ring finger is gonna be silver sparkly!
I think its gonna be gorgg!!!

all the guys are here so we are just gonna go hangout until about 4:00 and go take wedding pics cause sarah insisted!
me and sarah just had another argument about a week ago!(the song😂)
but it was stupid like i dont even wanna talk about it
she is pregnant so she is gonna be grouchy but it was so stupid i like really dont wanna talk about it
ohhh then like a month ago she calls me telling me hayes stayed over and him and meg had sex...
but they dont even talk or text any more after that night...and he is gonna be here tonight at the wedding and the reception so cant wait to see how this gos..
"alright since nash is FINALLY here lets go somewhere?" i said
"ight but where" luke said
"wait where is hayes?"luke said
"why is that boy friend lukeyy"nash said
"bruhh im not gayy i date GIRLS and only GIRLS!"luke said
"well i got ya a girl tonight thats single and you are walking with.."i said
"WHO WHO WHO WHO??"he yelled
"uhh...leah pounds??"he said
"yepp why?"i said
"how do you know her"
"well long story short me and my friend dylan saw some girls at the mall and he asked her name and she said leah pounds soo..."
"yepp so NASH where is hayes"
"in the car his phone was charging"
"nahh he probably texting that girl friend of his..meghann!!" luke said meghan in a girly voice
and right when he said that hayes walked in
"umm...luke and meghan have been broken up for 4 years.." hayes said
"no yall still date"luke said
"no i swear we dont"hayes said
"where have you been lukeyy" i said
"not here I thought yall still dated" luke said
"nahh we dont"hayes said sounding sad
"ohh why?" luke asked
"cause i was cheating on her and beat her up at a party" hayes said
"yeaa go out there with luke,he gives good advice!"nash said
"ightt lets go luke"hayes said
at a party?
beating up his everything?
basically cheating on his everything?
noo! thats not the hayes i know!
he loved her so freaknin much!
"ight so what are you gonna help me? she hates me now.i treated her so bad then.idek why"
"look i can talk to her tonight what happened?"
"well i went to this party and she met this girl named ashlyn i think thats sam's gf.and i got really drunk and beat her.and i kissed this girl that i didnt even know and did other things with her.."
"hayes man..why though?"
"look that night i was drunk i dont even remember alot accept what they told me and that girl,i didnt want to tell ANYBODY this but she told me if i didnt do stuff with her she would hurt meghan more than i did when i beat her.i couldn't let anything happen to my princess."
"well why didnt her just tell her hayes"
"i just couldn't.i had my days where i wanted to but nothing would come out.its like it was stuck in my head and wouldn't come out.then she found out"
"i dont even know to be honest..probably one of her friends.."
"ohh well tonight i wont you to go talk to her and i mean it."
"ohh okay DAD"
"hayes look im just tryin to help you"
"haha yea i know"
"i will talk to her if you go talk to leah"
"ight deal"
"ight lets go back inside!"

"finally it took yall about an hour"kian said
"nahh not really" luke said
"okay well lets go to the mall"nash said
"lol nash you're such a girl"hayes said
"RIGHTT" everyone said.
"hahah shutup yall lets just go"
"okay fine.."
"sooo...hayes does luke give good advice?"nash asked.
"yeaa!"hayes said
"haha thanks man"i said
"yeaa!"hayes said

after the mall we went back to kians and sarahs house
"alright hayes what did you bring to wear?" kian asked?
"nash bought me a purple button up shirt and khakis at the mall and i brought my speries" hayes said
"good! go ahead and change." kian said
well at the wedding luke is gonna make me talk to meghan. im kinda scared actually.and im a dare devil like i will do anything! im just scared what she is gonna what if she hates me now! like i know we well.. you know what happened at her house and all that.
well let me just tell you what happened..
soo..whenever i left her house nash was pulling in as i was walking into the house he yelled me name but i tried to ignore him as i was running somebody pulled my arm and picked me up it was baylor
nash was cussing me out cause i wouldnt tell him where i was. finally he told me if i didnt speak up he was calling mom and telling her what all i have done bad so i said i went to meghans house he started cussing me out cause I wouldn't tell him what happened and where i slept and what we did
i told him i went over there and slept on the couch down stairs well ofcourse he didn't believe me so he called sarah we sarah knowing her she was drunk he asked what happened and she told him. so he got mad at me and crap.but she doesn't know he knows like what if she finds out...all these thoughts were going through my head..
then i had that moment where i missed nick..
i had that moment where i saw things what we always did..we always did bad things together...
then that moment when he called meghan hot!
that was hilarious
i miss nick so much
he was like my brother...
all i need to do is go out there and be happy cause i cant stand to go back to that mental hospital thing that was torture! i hate that place

i walked out,with a smile on my face!
not trying to think about her and nick
"alright hayes you ready" nash asked
"yepp"i said
"lets go"kian said
its 3:34 and we have to be at this park by 4:00 to take pics
you're not supposed to see your wife until the wedding is what i heard but she really wants pics before it gets dark
eventually we were there
it was 3:55
meghan looks so pretty in dresses
meghan looks so pretty any day tbh
why did i have to do that to her
i kept telling my self
"ight hayes lets go! you dont have to talk to meg now okay?" luke said
"okay thanks man"
"yeaa anytime"
we got out and she keeps looking at me
omgg hayes is here! yayy! i have been wanting to see him!
idek what im saying!
he looks so good in purple!
i hope he talks to me!
maybe we can get a pic together!
I hope!
i need to
somebody came and jumped on my back
i was hoping it would be hayes
i looked up it was luke!
we always call eachother bae and babe until i get a bf or he gets a gf
idk why though
"hey babe"he said
"heyyy bae"
"whats up"
"get off mee"i said
"okayy fine"
"so you know who leah is"
"umm whyy"
"cause she thinks your hawwtt"
"oh mee too"
"haha im gonna get yall together"
"pleaseeee dont! i got this"
"okayy let lukeyy do all the workk"
"haha yeaa well im gonna go say hey to the bride"
"ight byee"

"heyy meg come here" nash yelled
"okayy"i said
"whats up"i said
"ight look do you still like hayes?"
"cause i need to know"
"if i tell you will you tell him"
"no i just need to know"
"yess! but idk if i can go back to him"
"okay thats all i needed to know"

as i was sitting there waiting for them to tell me to come take a pic my phone went off
i was hoping it would be hayes
but it's from unknown...umm...that's weird
"hey hun you think hayes is gonna talk to your ugly self?? he hates you..haha lol! think twice before you talk to him...i stalk you meg! you will never find out who i am! if you do i will be surprised!
MER??? who da freak is dat?
hayes kept looking over at me
then my phone went off again!
this time it was from hayes!!
"hey are you okay? im not meaning to stare at you but you look like you're worried?"
i replied back "im fine thanks though!"
he ignored me
i hate when he does that!
kian sarah nash and luke were huddled up talking
we have been here for like an hour...
"hey meg come here"sarah yelled
ohh gawwdd...what now?!
"what" i asked
"hey you and hayes are gonna take a pic?!"
"ughh sarah whyy"
"stop whining and get over it"
"gahh some days you get on my nerves"
"well today is my day not yours"
"like right now..I just wanna go home"
"come on meg"
"whatever lets go and get this over with"
hayes walked over here and he was looking at the ground i was trying not to laugh cause he does that one he blushes..
I couldn't hold it in any longer
i busted out laughing
"man i missed that laugh"hayes said
everyone went silent.even me
"oh crap did i say that out loud?"hayes asked
"yeaa"everyone said
"ohh well come on hayes lets get this over with" i said
we put out arm around eachother and they took the pic

it was now 5:25 and we had to leave to head to the church
we pulled up and everything was all set up
and not to mention skylyn is the flower girl and she is so cute!

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