chapter 39 meghan's pov

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its been 3 days and hayes hasn't been home or texted or called me! he keeps ignoring all my calls and texts and every time i call peyton or text him he says he's not with him..nash keeps trying to get in touch with him but he ignores him starting to get worried like what if he killed his self cause his friend died...i dont need to think that!
its been three days since ive been home and i gotta say i have a had some fun times! i have been going to parties with peyton and its been great! but i keep ignoring everyone that tries to get in touch with me.i dont want them worrying about me! i have been having fun and i dont wont them on my mind soo...
i think im gonna text meghan are tell her im on my way home..i have been with peyton but i told him to tell her that im not with him if she asks him..
text to meghan:
h-hey meg im sorry i have been ignoring you! i still love you.just with nick just died im trying to go my on ways and have fun! im on my way home see ya in a bit! love you
m-OMG HAYESSSSS!!!!! you're okay!! im glad you're wanting to have fun but just please tell me where you are going! you had me scared! okay see ya in a minute love you too!
h-babe dont worry! im fine! if i needed you i would text you trust me!
m-okayy good!
like 15 minutes later someone walked through the door!
"HAYES!!!" she ran up and jumped in my arms
"awww megg!!"
"i missed you"
"i missed you too megg"
she hopped down and we went and sat on my bed
"okay look there is something i need to tell you that i have been doing since i have been gone"
"ohh gahh okay what"
"well peyton invited me to go to this party. i know you dont drink so i wasnt gonna invite you.well i wasnt gonna drink but they forced me too.i got bad drunk...well I decided i would go party the rest of the time..i smoked some weed to.." i could see the tears in her eyes
" could shouldve said no to going at all...hayes why..."
"look im sorry"
"no just no"
she ran out in tears.. i dont why i did it.. if i could take it back i would..she doesn't deserve me...
i can't believe hayes...omg... and my grandmother just called and said i have to stay here in north can this day get any freaking worse.. i called everyone and told them we have to stay here..they weren't to happy..but hayes i told nash to tell him i dont know if u can talk to him...
*the next day*
i was happier now. i think i will go talk to hayes. i slept on the couch last night cause me and hayes have to share his room..
i walked in his room..he was just laying there mad and stuff
"what meghan"
"well i was just wondering if you wanted to hang tonight??"
"well peyton invited me to another party and im going so i mean you can come too"
"okay I will what time"
"dont worry about the time ill just tell you when its time to go"
"okay well im gonna go to the living room"
"no meghan please stay in here"
"okayy fine"
as i was walking to the bed i have been sleeping on he pulled me to his bed
"come lay with meeee"
"no hayessss"
"okay fine"
i went and laid beside him.
and the next thing i knew i was asleep
i woke up to somebody shaking me
"okay come on meghan its time lets go"
"okay"i said.
i grabbed my phone and we snuck out his window even though it was just nash and baylor here.
baylor will tell on me if he finds out what we are doing!
we walked to peytons house it was kinda far but then again not really..
"hayes my mannnnn whad uppppp"
peyton could tell he was drunk!
"peyttoonnn!! this is meghan ya know"
hayes said.
"yeaa bruhh your hott girlfriend"
peyton said
i just looked at the ground
"yeaaa"hayes said.
he introduced me to some people i found this other girl to talk to. her boyfriend is sam.
"hey whats your name"i asked her
"ashlyn.whats yours?"
"nice to meet you! what are you doing here"
"well my boyfriend is hayes and he wanted me to come"i lied.i actually wanted to come
"ohh my boyfriend is so bored! i dont drink i was forced to come by sam!"
"i dont either"
about a 2 hours of talking drunk hayes came and picked me up..
"put me down hayes now!"
he through me into the wall..
my head started bleeding.
he kept punching me
i had bruises all over me
i kept fighting back and eventually got away
ashlyn has her permit so we stole sams car and drove away quickly
"are you okay meghan"she asked
"no not really"
"im really sorry"she said
i just ignored her
"okay well heres mine and sams house!"
"yall have a house!"
"well its sams"
"his parents made him move out and all of his money he had saved he bought him a house.and my parents dont like him so they made me move out so i moved in with him"
i called nash it was 3:32 in the morning i doubt hes up
on the phone with nash
n-whats up where are yall
m-well im at ashlyns house and hayes is at peytons drunk
m-yea he beat me and im breaking up with him tomorrow! no second chances i already have gave him one! the days he was gone he was getting drunk and smoking weed! i cant deal with that!
n-okay well i will come get you tomorrow
m-okay night nash
n-night love you as a friend more like sister
m-hahah same
i fell asleep
*the next morning*
hayes was blowing up my phone but i ignored him
nash texted me and is own his way he used to have to take hayes over here so he knows where he lives
about 14 minutes later he was here
"bye ashlyn thanks for letting me stay! i put my number in your phone so text me"
"you're welcome! byee i will!"
i got in the car and hayes was in the front
"well meghan did you have fun last night?" nash asked
"fun??hahah lol heck no i sure didnt hayes did you?" i asked
"well i did until you left"
"well i mean what you did to me wasnt right"
"well you deserved it.."
"and what you deserve is being single"
"hows that gonna happen"
"like this. nash take me back to yalls house so i can get my stuff and go to my emmas house.jack matt and reagan are there soo..yea and baylor will be coming with me rather he likes it or not"
"i still dont get it"
"ohh yea i forgot lol..we're through hayes"
"f you meghan"
"f you too hayes!"
we pulled up at the house and i ran to his room.
i got all my cloths and just through them in my suit case and all my stuff
i ran to skylyns room and told her she would never see me again but i love her and she can call me anytime from her moms phone
i walked to his moms room and wrote a note saying
hey its meghan me and hayes are through.he beat me and smoked weed and got drunk i will miss yall! love yall! byee
and told baylor to come on
he could tell i was mad so he got all his stuff and we walked out the door
"bye nash i will miss you!"i said
"bye meghan text me anytime"
"i will"
"bye nash see ya later"baylor said.
"bye baylor! yea see ya soon!"nash said
"bye hayes"baylor said
"bye bro"
i didnt say bye to him
we walked to emmas and knocked on the door
her parents were still outa town soo..
emma opened and told us to come in!

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