chapter 53 hayes' pov

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peyton with his dumbb self invited emma reagan matt jack and MEGHAN!!!!
like omg!! really hailey left but didn't tell me where she was going.she can be a brat like i dont see how peyton deals with her tbh...
i went down stairs to the kitchen and there was a knock on the door. my heart immediately started beating really fast and my face was getting hot
"COME IN" i yelled.
"heyyy man.long time no see" matt said
"yeaa I know haven't seen yall in a while" i said
"what up brothaa" jack said
"sameee" i said
"hey yall come on in.where is em meg and rea?" peyton asked.
"they wanted to stay home." matt said
"ohhh yeaa thats right thats where hailey went." peyton said
"yepp!" jack said
"well yall lets watch some football!" peyton said!

*girls night*
{meghans pov}
I can't believe that the boys thought i was gonna go somewhere hayes is like lets be real now...
we cut on season 1 of pretty little liars.
i love that show!!
"okay yall can we pause this real quick?" i asked
"yeaa sure.heres the remote" meg said
i paused the show
"okay yall so i know we just met but i feel like i can trust yall rightt?" i said/asked
"yess!" they all said
"okay so peyton has been acting weird the past few days but i dont know whats up.." i said
"like a good way or weird way or like mean?" meg asked
"like happy kinda weird.." i said
"and how long have yall been dating?" rea asked
"1 year and 3 months" i said
"ohhh...." rea said
"whyy?" i asked
"hahah...yall are funny..." i said
"he could!!!" they all said
"yeaa okay!!" i said
"ightt yall let's get back to pretty little liars cause its getting good!" meg said.
we all laughed and said "okay"
"alright hayes so lets catch up on whats going on!" matt said
"like what?" i asked
"just like whats been happening since we all separated!" matt said
"ohh okay! soo umm when alexis FINALLY let me go ofcourse i went to look for meghan and i had no luck at all.the day nick died i went to his grave to put flowers down and his parents and little brother was there and he asked me why he lost his they started crying which made me tear up.i got pissed and went to the drug store to.i got high and drunk.i came here and peyton wouldnt let me.and i don't blame him tbh! he told me i could come back when i was better and wasnt drunk and stuff like that.ohhh and we both went to jail and connor cause we were drinking and driving,got drunk baddd,peyton lit connors grass on fire soo i started fighting with him,then connor threw a cigarette and peytons leg and it all just got outta hand sooo thats why peyton is done with all that.connor is still beat up pretty bad and im done now after I went to jail thats one heck of a long storyy...sooo anyways i went to this apparent and almost died over an overdose.Nash came and got me and that night i went connors and we had some funn times.then one night i got to thinking about meg and peyton so i came here and live here now! and nash and skylyn live together now cause i was so bad they left me nash and skyy...sooo yeaa...thats pretty much it tbh.."
" its been rough for you man?" matt said
"umm yeaa..." i said
"sorry know to call me if you need me!" matt said
"yeaa thanks mann!" i said
"no problem" matt said
it was 5:30 when everyone got her and its now 12:44
"ightt yall were gonna go! nice seeing you hayes! I've missed you! and you too peyton! byee yall" matt said
"yeaa nice seeing yall! we gonna have to have a 'guys night' as the girls say...byee" jack said
"haha..nice seeing yall! byee!" i said
"haha.nice seeing my bros! yes!! we gotta hang again! byee yall" peyton said
"okay is it just me or is hayes actually being good..." i said
"i know right..but mann whatever got him like this thank you!!! he needed it!" jack said.
"rightt! but i miss him! we had some good junior high times!!" i said
"omgg yess we did!!" jack said
we continued talking and pulled up at the hotel as we were walking in hailey was walking out
i just kinda ignored her.luckily she dint look at us!
we went up the elevator and slid the key in the door.
we walked in and the girls we OUTTT!
"hey jack man we should start jumping on the bed and see what they say!" i said
"omgg yess!!!!" he said
"ill get the water!" i said
i got the ice bucket and put water in it.
jack got a tea pitcher and filled his up we walked over to there bed and quietly got on and started jumping up and down and dumped the water on them
"matt i swear dont ever talk to me again.i hate you so much." emma said
"wtf jack!!" reagan said
"yall....we ain't in junior high really?" meghan said
"haha! yall want us to sleep in the wet bed?!" jack asksd/laughed
"i really dont even just trynna get out these clothes.." meg said
"rightt!" rea&em said
"ightt we will go to the bathroom

we walked back out cause emma said we could and they were in our bed....
we just made a pallet on the floor and fell asleep..

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