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I was in cleaning duty today for the inmates,so I had to mop' the floors.

I was in the main hallway mopping
I said Camilla talking to Sargent with her badge by her side I smiled at her


As I was talking to Sargent asking him  about a case I'm working on

I looked behind him and saw Chris mopping the hallway

"One sec"I said as he left

I walked to Chris

"Chris"I said and smiled

"Hey"he said I excitement

"You doing okay in here you looking skinny more skinny then you was before"I said

"Yea I don't eat that prison food but I do eat the pudding cups those taste good."he said

"I would give you a hug but"I said

"It's against the rules to touch outsiders"he said

"Yea"I laughed

"Chris we are going to get you out of here,you are going to see Tiana again...don't worry"I said

"I miss her so much how she holding up"he asked

"Well most of. The time she is either in the studio making songs and performing"I said

"Oh yeah I saw her performing on the BET awards"he said smiling

"She killed it"he added

"Yup and team breezy are supporting you and praying for you...I read there tweets and stuff and 76% don't believe that you would kill your mama"I said

"Oh about that you find anything else cause I want to get out of this hell hole"he said

"I gotta go now"I said

"Oh yeah bye"he said and smiled

"Bye Chris"I said then left


"August stop"I said laughing as he did this weird dance

I threw a grape at him

"Ow"he said

August has been keeping me company since Chris has been to jail he's around way more now even before Chris went to prison he makes me laugh when I'm sad

It's not the same when Chris isn't here I miss his smell,his touch,everything

"I know I was thinking about Chris being In prison and I got a plan"he said interrupt me from my thoughts

"What"I asked

"Since Joyce is alive but we don't know where she is but what if she was"he said

"But she's not she probably in Mexico"I said

"But what if she was...I'm saying we make a fake Joyce costume and have someone put it on and pretend that there Joyce I mean Chris is having his appeal so"August said and shrugged his shoulders

"August I don't think that's gonna work I mean"I said but I thought about it

"Maybe it would I mean she is Alive and we just need contact with her but I wonder how she planned all this"I said


I drove to Danny's house

I know y'all must be confused

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