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I paced back and forth,waiting for that phone to find and see Tiana's name pop up.

Tiana called me yesterday saying she's coming back home, I was honestly scared for my life cause today the results for the DNA test comes in and I'm not scared to find out the results because I know ashton's my son,I'm scared of how mad Tiana is gonna be!, hopefully an argument won't occur.

I sat on the couch with the envelope in my hand looking at while my leg was shaking...I don't know why I'm so nervous!

I put opened the envelope and saw it


I wasn't happy but wasn't mad at all cause I been knew and I just feel like a dumb ass,why did I let Danny get inside my head and twist my words up.

I heard the door opened

I saw Tiana come in with a suitcase and Ashton in a stroller fast asleep.

She looked at me and gave me a smile

"Hey"I said

"So what does the result test day?"she asked as she put Ashton in his sleeping pin

"That I am the father...T I'm so sorry"I said

"It's not alright but i forgive you"she said

I smiled and kissed her forehead

"But what you did was stupid Chris but it took a friend to show me that I should come back" she said said then she sat at the island table

I sat in the chair next to her

"Where were y'all anyway"I asked

"I was...at my brothers and spend some time with my dad and it was so nice being there" she said

"You honestly were being petty taking Ashton and leaving"I said shaking my head

"I don't think threw situations Chris"she said

"Makes sense"I said

I got up and walked over to ash who was asleep in his pin,I picked him up and bounced him up and down in my arms,

"I'm so sorry"I whispered in his ears "I love you so much"

2 hours later

Tiana had a sip of her wine and looked at me seductively

Ashton was sleep and me her were downstairs in the kitchen relaxing and talking

I was standing at the counter and she was next to me sipping on some wine

"I missed this"she said

I chuckled

"What,drinking wine or not being fat" I joked

"You know if I was still pregnant I would cry about that but instead" she said and put her wine glass down "imma beat your ass!"she said and started chasing me sliver the house

I ran inside the closet and locked the door

"Chris where are youuuuu"she said

"Hm guess he's not there" she said

I unlocked the closet door and slowly opened it and looked around and no sight of Tiana

But I knew she was behind the door anyway

I turned around and grabbed her,I started kissing her

She Giggled

"I hate you"she playfully said

"Nah *kiss* baby *kiss* you *kiss* don't *kiss*" I said in between kisses

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and grabbed my face and tongue kissed me

"Wait"I said what about ash"I asked

"Well,he sleeps long"she said

I shrugged it off and continued kissing her

I sat her on the counter and took her shirt off and kissed her then I took her bra off and started licking on her nipple

"Aw Chris"she moaned

She took my shirt off and I started kissing on her neck her finger dig into my back living a few marks.

I sat in the couch rubbing Tiana's back and playing with her braids.

"You ever think about how your mom probably is handling her prison time"she spoke up

"Um no but my moms strong she probably curing bitches out and slapping hoes"I joked Tiana laughed

"And Danny"she asked

"What about him?"I asked

"I don't trust him Chris and I don't trust Bree what if their still working together"she worried

"I don't trust Bree but I trust Danny Tiana he is my brother"I said

"That doesn't change the fact,he did horrible things to you...ME and Ashton"she said

"What he do to Ashton,Tiana that was Bree and we still need to confront her about it"I said

"She didn't do it"I said

"She didn't"I asked

"Yeah I talked to her and she said she wouldn't never hurt a baby and I believe her cause she wouldn't even hurt a fly when we was younger"she said

"Huh"I said

"I wanna kill Danny"she said out of the blue

"You what!"I said

"I don't want him in our lives know ling or think he still might be up to something Chris!"she yelled

"Baby...relax" I said as she sat up but pushed her back down so she could lay down.

"Tiana I know that your angry but until we know he might be up to something you can go all evil on him but I'm not letting you kill my only brother"I said

"Why are you defending him"she asked and shrugged

"I don't wanna think that he's up to something because...if he is I'm gonna kill him T I'm not playing or joking I'm serious I'm gonna take his life"I said


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