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"So...he's your brother?"I asked as me and Chris were on the couch and I was laying on his chest

"Yeah"he said

"How did all of this happen and how did I even date him...plus When we were dating I never even met is mother because he said that she died but I never knew that it was Joyce,he did mention he had a brother I just never met him"I said

"But turns out I did meet the brother because he's the father of my child and the love of my life"I added

"I think I wanna build an relationship with him"Chris said

"After everything he did to me and you!"I said in shock

"T listen is I build a relationship with him and be nice to him he might stop all the bullshit"he said

"Chris what if he's just gonna be in a act and do something terrible to me,you...August,trey and if he hurts our child-" he cut me off

"He's not and if he does he's life is mine"he said while he's nose flared

"Alright fine,"I got up and I felt a cramp in my stomach

Chris quickly got up "are you okay"he asked in worry

"I don't know, I think it's early labor I don't know?" I said and shrugged

"You wanna go to the hospital"he asked

I felt a even bigger sharp pain

"Ah!"I said on pain

"Okay let's go!"chris said then picked me up bridal style and got in the car

At the hospital
1 hour later

I paced back in forth worried about Tiana.

She only 6 months how she having the baby now!

I saw Camilla rushing down the hallway

"Chris"she said then hugged me "oh my gosh what's going on"she asked

"I think Tiana's going into early labor I don't know...what if we loose the baby"I said and I gave my self a bigger thing to panic about

"You won't, it's probably something that runs in her family...Tiana told me that she was a premature baby,maybe it's a trait"she said

"Just calm down...ok"she said and rubbed my back

Then I saw trey coming down with August and...Danny.

I got up

I dapped trey and August and even Danny

"She Alright"Danny asked

"Hopefully"I said he put his head down

"Let me talk to you"I said

Me and Danny walked around the corner

"So mom told me that your my brother"I said

"Yeah I am...and I want to that I'm so sorry for everything that I did to hurt you and Tiana especially Tiana"he said

"Well I forgive you but I don't know about Tiana...I want to make a relationship with you as my brother cause I was an only child and I think it will be fun"I said

"And if this is an act and if you hurt my family or my friends you dead and I put that on god and Jesus and all the gods I can't name all them"I said

"Don't worry Chris it's not"he said

"So how you get here"I asked

"Oh I heard and I came down cause this shit is all over the news and tmz and the shade room,"he said

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