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1 week later

I stared straight into thought while Chris pushed me in the wheelchair Into the house.

We stopped in the living room

Chris walked over to me and kneeled down to me and rubbed my thigh

"You wanna...go to bed or stay down here"he said

I looked down "where Ashton" i asked

"He's with Lisa"he said

I nodded

"I wanna go to bed"I said and tried to get up but a collapsed back down in my seat

"Woah baby, take it easy"Chris said

I feel like I lost apart of my soul it felt weird. I broke my back but it's not sever.

Chris wheeled me too the guest bedroom since our bed room is upstairs and it's not gonna be easy to get a wheelchair up the stairs.

He laid me on the bed and I relaxed.

"Need anything"Chris asked

"No I'm fine, thank you"I said

He then left

"Are you sure"his head popped threw the door

I laughed "yes"

"Okay" he said then left again

"Are you absolutely sure"he said as his popped threw again

"Chris I'm fine"I said while smiling

He left again


I walked downstairs and took a big breath.

So I know what you may be asking 'did Tiana loose the baby' yes,yes we did loose the baby. Tiana got hit by a car in her back.

I am so anxious to find out who hit it her because the police men said that it didn't look like a accident and they have a lady who witnessed it when she got hit.

It's weird because many as 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage I don't know how I know that but I guess I paid attention in health class when mrs.scott was talking about sex class.

I'm not doing good either I and mad cause I feel like this is my fault! Maybe if I never brung her to the restaurant or at least go after her when she was leaving?

I walked into the gym and walked up to the punching bag I have

I picked up the boxing gloves and put them on.

I started punching the bag constantly.

"Imma kill him" I said as I punched the bag

*punch* *punch*

Then before I knew it the all the dang out the bag burst open and then I broke down crying to the floor.

"Chris"I heard someone say

I looked up and saw Trey he walked up to me

"Come on man"he said

"I shouldn't have let her leave"I said sobbing.

"Chris, don't blame your self we are all grieving right now"he said "remember you still got Ashton you still got your son. I understand y'all lost a baby and I know it's hard but you'll try again and then Tiana gonna get pregnant then you'll have a son or daughter"he said

That made me feel a little better

I got up and walked to the living and plopped myself on the couch trey followed me there.

"Wanna go to a bar and chill"he said

"Nah I gotta-"

"I'll watch Tiana"August said popping up out of know where

We laughed

"Alright trey lets go" I said and we left

August sat on the couch


"Chris!"I called out

Soon I heard footsteps and I saw August

"Yo"he said

"Where's Chris?"I asked

"He went to the bar with trey so they could talk"he said

"What you need"he asked

"I just wanna go get out of this bed but my back still hurts and I can't sit up"i said

Then August helped me up

"You don't need your wheel chair"he asked

"No I can manage"I said

With each step I took August was super helpful.

Then we made it to the living room

"Yes! We made it"August said

"Don't get too excited,my back injury isn't that severe just give me another week and I'll be fine"I said

Me and August started talking and laughing I needed a laugh after everything that happen.

I wanna start fresh and forget everything that had happened and move on with my music and my career cause the shader room got a lot of shit to talk about now.


I know short chapter then before I just didn't know what to write and plus it's like 6 am right now and I got writers block😫😫😖😖

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