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I closed the door behind me and walked outside in shock at who was standing in front of me.

"What hell are you doing here" I asked

"What? I can't see my lawful son after his girlfriend put me behind bars?"my mom asked making an evil smile

"Fiancé"I corrected

"Ugh really chris! You could have done better...now if you excuse me I would love to see my grandson,what's his name again...Ashton right"she said trying to get past me

"Back to fuck up! You ain't going nowhere near my son or my fiancé"

"Awww! Well listen here, I'm your mother and you will respect me and my decision-"

"You lost that name. You have lost all my respect for you!! Your not my mother your that evil son a bitches mother"

"Speaking of that "evil son a bitch" you killed my son, Chris I was mad I really was but please forgive me please" she pleaded "I want my boy back where is the sweet nice boy a raised- she changed you into this didn't she that Heffa turned you against me"

"Back up! 'I' turned myself against you everything you did is YOUR fault not Tiana's alright! How are you out of prison!"

"I escaped"she said nonchalantly

"Oh well bye,bitch you bouta go back there."I said pulling out my phone

"I just wanted to tell you that, Bree is gonna kill Tiana" she said and left

I looked up "what" I said but before I knew it she was gone

"Fuck!"I yelled kicking the door I pulled out my phone and called the prison.

As I was waiting for someone to answer I hear these loud ass sirens. Then an amber alert appeared on the Tv. Load beeps sound from the tv which caused Ashton and Tiana to wake up.

Tiana came downstairs as I watched the tv. This can't be happening my breathing picked up as a news man issued the amber alert

🚨 EMERGENCY ALERT: an escaped prisoner who was arrested for fraud crime has escaped iron heights facility Joyce Hawkins, age 45 keep watching for details. 🚨

"What the hell!"Tiana said in shock

"I know! I know"I said in frustration

"Chris what the hell is happening?"she asked picking up Ashton rocking him back and forth.

"I- I- I don't know baby, I just want all of this to stop but what I need you to do grab your keys and pack your bags."I said


"Tiana! Listen to me please"I said as my eyes watered "I don't wanna loose you!!! so,Pack you and ashtons bags and meet me back down here in 20 minutes!"

She quickly nodded and went upstairs with Ashton and did as I told.

I paced back and forth feeling different emotions mostly anger. I quickly grabbed the glass closest to me and flung it to the wall causing to the shatter.

My lungs feel all tight my veins in the side of my head are popping out and my breath is all heavy. This is a rage that I have felt before it's- it's-.....the same way I was feeling when Tiana left me when I "cheated",the same way I felt when Danny was fucking with us,the SAME WAY I felt when I got locked up...the same way I felt when- when-...when we lost the baby.

Moments later Tiana met me downstairs with Ashton's bag and her bag ready to leave.

"Chris what is going on" she asked looking at me

PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now