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I hopped my head to the instrumental beat.

I was in the studio playing around with some sounds,so that I can get my career back since i left for prison,for "killing" my mother.

I nodded my head to the beat as it played

And I hope you do (ooo)
Mixing more liquor eatin that pussy like drown in your river

I sang to myself

I saw Tiana come in with Ashton on her hip

"Guess who just turned 4 months old"Tiana said and smiled at Ashton

"My baby boi!"I said and took Ashton and threw him up in the air and caught him

"What you doing in here?"she asked

"Just messing around"I said

"Any way I gotta go see Camilla she need halo decorating for her new house"she said

I nodded and smiled

Just when she was about to leave I called her "T" I said

"Huh"she said

I sat on my rolling chair and sat Ashton on my lap I gave him his teething toy so he could bite on it

"I love you" I said and smirked

"You just wasted my time you sitting down with Ashton all serious and shit so you could say I love you"she and laughed

"Ouch!" I said and put my hand on my heart

"I love you too"she said then left

I looked at Ashton

"What we gonna do little man" I asked

"Da!" His baby voice said

"You bout to say daddy huh,come on say it let's rub it in your moms face"I joked

He kicked his feet

I smiled

5 hours later

The whole day I played with Ashton and Tiana still ain't back

I went upstairs and put Ashton to bed since he was all tired out from dunking his milk formula that was in the fridge.

I heard the door open

I closed ashton's room door and then went downstairs to see Tiana walking in with shopping bags.

Ohhh...she went shopping

"Hey baby"she said

I nodded and walked in the kitchen and grabbed a cereal box then grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal in the bowl

I don't put milk in my cereal

"Hey baby" she said looking at me

"I said hi" I said getting annoyed

"You nodded"she said and took of her boots and jacket

"Oh I'm sorry for not treating the queen to a nice greeting"I said

I kneeled on one knee

"Hello your highness" I said in a prince voice

She laughed "you a mess"

I sat on the couch with my cereal

She sat on the couch


I proped my feet on the back of the couch inches away from Chris's head.

He pushes them away "move them ol' stanky,crusty feet out my face,girl"he said

"Chris,stop!" I whine, and I put them back up. I always have to have my feet up high on the couch.

He throws back some of his dry Cheerios. He rarely eats cereal with milk.

"Ol' Bruce banner hulk- looking feet."he says

Just for that I stuck my big toe in his ear.he hops up so fast. His cereal bowl almost falls from his lap,but he manages to catch it. I die of laughing.

Chris points at me. "You play to much"

He sits down and I'm still cracking up. I rub my foot all on his cheek. "Aww I'm sorry, boo boo"

Chris moves his face away "keep on playing"

We stare at the tv while the amazing world of gum-ball played.

Chris stared at the tv eating his cereal.

"Chris" I said

"Yeah" he answered

"Talk to your mom"I said

"Nope"he answered quickly

"Why not you was just talking about how you wanna go see her"I said

"No"he said



He crunches on his cereal extra loud

"I made  amends with my dad now you need to talks to your mo-"


He crunched louder then before

I snatched the cereal out of his hand and threw it on the table.

I grabbed his face so he could look at me.

"Talk to your mama Chris, or you will leave with this" I said

"How come I never met yo daddy"he asked

"You will"

"T it's been a year I ain't even know you had a brother or a dad cause your AINT mention it and what about your mom" he asked

"My mom died from a disease" I said quickly cause I knew he was changing the subject

"I want to meet your brother" he said and he looked at the cereal which was all over on the table

He picked a cheerio up and ate it

He had the audacity the audacity to pick up a cheerio off of the dirty table!

"Speaking of my brother his actually coming,over to spend time with us in a week or so and he really wants to meet you!."I said

"And...your dad"he asked

"Maybe"I said shrugging

"Did you and your dad work whatever you needed to work on"he asked

"Chris!"I said looked out the big windows which was behind the table

"What?"he said

"Who's that?" I said

"HELP ME!,HELP ME PLEASE!" We heard a girl scream

"Camilla!"chris said

We ran to the door and opened it

Camilla was kneeling down And there was blood all over her

"Cam! Oh my god" I said I helped her up and saw she was stabbed two times and more

"Who did it"chris said

"I-" she went unconscious

"Oh my god" I said and started crying

"Call the ambulance" I added

Who did this too her?

Chris ran over to his phone and dial 911

"Yes hi my friend came to my house and she has stab wounds all over her body and she going unconscious in and out" he said in the phone


Who y'all think stabbed Camilla who stabbed her anyway??? See y'all in the next chapter.

PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now