Loki Odinson (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

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Out of nowhere, people all over the world wake up with 'strings' attached to them. Two different people are attached to the same 'string' and it is said that people that are connected throught a cord are soulmates. If your soulmate dies, the string dissapears and if you meet the person that shares your string, the cord starts shinning. Nobody knows where the strings came from or why they appeared, but now they are part of our lives.

I chose to ignore my string, cause you never know where it gets you. I'm not going to travel to the other side of the planet, just to find the person that shares the string with me. I decided to do my best to live without always thinking about it, trying to move over this, unlike all the other people.
Since this crazy thing with the magical strings basically just appeared over night, people have gone completly crazy, running after invisible cords, trying to find their soulmates. People quit their jobs, left their families and home and started travelling all over the world in a desperate search. I'm not going to do that.
I open the door and leave my apartment, going in the direction of my office. I work as a receptionist at a medical office. Not the job I dreamt of, but it's all I can get. For now, at least.
As I reach the office, my colleague -who also happens to be my best friend- just guides an old lady towards the waiting room and instructs her to wait until she is called in by her doctor.
I sit next to (y/best friend/n) and I smile, then I turn the computer on, looking at todays' appointments.
"How's your string going?" (y/best friend/n) asks.
"Honestly, you have to stop asking me that" I snap, without wanting to.
"Y/n, you can't deny the string your whole life. Use it in your interest and you might just get to know your soulmate"
I don't want to look at her, otherwise she will see the desire in my eyes. I know I said I don't want to go on a hunt for love, but it would be lovely to meet the person that shares my cord.
Just as I'm about to answer my best friend, someone comes in front of our desk.
"Hello, excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me find doctor Jeffree Williams. I have an appointment"
I raise my eyes to look at the man in front of me and I must say, he looks really handsome. He's very tall and slender, but somehow he still looks strong. I am completly enchanted by his beautiful blue eyes and his long, dark, messy hair and I forget that I actually have to help me.
"Is something wrong?" he asks.
I shake my head and smile, embarrassed.
"N-no, I'm very sorry. Can I get a name, please?"
"Sure, Loki Odinson"
As I get ready to write his name in the computer, to look for his appointment, I notice my string. It's shinning. Like, more than usual. My eyes open wide as I follow the cord. It connects... right to this guy. This Loki Odinson.
I gasp and Loki looks at the string, after he hears me. I can't actually look at him. I don't want to see his face, his reaction.
"You're- you're my soulmate?" I hear Loki's voice.
"I guess so" I smile, a bit confused.
I can see (y/best friend/n) moving around in her chair, shocked by what's happening next to her.
"Well, my soulmate, I would love to know your name" Loki says.
"Y/n" I answer.
"Y/n, such a beautiful name. I hope I can buy you lunch today, after my appointment"
Loki watches me, waiting for an answer. He smiles at me and I can actually see a light in his eyes.
"I would love to join you for lunch"
"Then it's settled! Great"

Hello there! I'm the author of these little imagines. Every imagine that you will find here, you can find on my Instagram account too (ravenmist_imagines).
I really hope you enjoy my imagines and I want to apologies for any possible gramatical errors or mistakes in the imagines. There might be loads of them, since English isn't my mother tongue, but I'm getting better at it everyday :)

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