Kylo Ren - Part 2

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You're watching the huge flames that took over the TIE you just took down. There's a pain in your chest, you just hope to see Ren coming out of the flames. For some reason, like a ghost or an echo, you can hear Ren's shaking voice begging you to join him, whispering a desperate "please" in the middle of that Throne Room. There was fire then too, it was warming you up, reminding you of the deserted and isolated places on your home planet, Jakku.
"Y/n! They took Chewie!"
The voice booms in your ears, forcing you to look away from Ren's TIE.
Finn is looking at you from a few feet away, shaking and pointing at a First Order transport ship that's trying to take off.
Your heart skips a beat and the only thing you can think of is trying to stop the ship with the Force. You raise your hand and focus on the ship. It takes a lot of energy to keep it steady, but you don't manage to bring it back to the ground. You stab your feet further into the sand, to keep your balance and a grunt escapes your lips as you drag the ship towards the ground. It's working.
But then you see a silhouette in the corner of your eye. You turn to look back at the TIE while still holding the ship where Chewie is in place. When your eyes meet Ren's, the pain in your chest goes away, your hand starts shaking. You breathe a sigh of relief. However, you tense up again when he lifts his hand towards the ship too.
"No, no, no, he can't be doing that" you tell yourself as you feel him pushing the ship to help it leave.
Feeling all the Force flowing through your body, pumping your blood, scares you, but the feeling of anger you're feeling towards Ren and the fear that you might lose Chewie are way stronger. You won't let Ren win this time, so you both end up fighting on the transport ship, you trying to get it on the ground, he, trying to free it from your control. As you desperately fight Ren, you let out a scream of pain and then you feel something different. You feel energy in your body, but it's not like the Force, it's irrepressible, untamed, more alive. It feels really similar to the Force connection you have with Ren, like thousand of little stings, but just in your arm. It starts at your shoulder and keeps going down your arm, to your hand. But it stops as soon as it reaches the tip of your fingers. Then you see a blinding light coming from your fingers.
Everything moves way too fast. The lighting hits the ship, causing it to explode and crash to the ground in pieces.
It takes a moment for you to realize that the desperate cry came from you. And it takes another additional few seconds for you to realize that the lighting that crashed the ship came from you. You look at you hand, shocked, as you let it fall to your side as if it didn't belong to you.
You just look at Ren for a second. He looks amazed by what you just did. You hate him for that. You killed your friend. It's your fault...
"Guys, we've really got to go!" Poe comes out of Ochi's ship to let you and Finn know.
"Y/N!" Poe yells again, but you don't move. The image of the ship you just destroyed is blocking you.
"Y/N, come on! Y/N!" Finn keeps calling, finally making you move.
You start running towards the ship, but it feels like you feet aren't there or like you're not actually touching the ground. You don't feel good, you're dizzy, angry, confused. It's like a tornado of emotions inside of you.
Finally in the ship, you escape from Pasaana. As Finn and Poe struggle to keep the ship in working, while trying not to talk about anything that happened just a few moments ago, you sit on the floor, your back to a metal box, thinking just about what happened. About Ren. About Chewie. About the lighting that came from your hands. It was your fault. Just your fault. Just like everything that goes to hell in your life, those are all your fault.
Drops of sweat run down your forehead, as you fight the urge to cry and the stings that you take as Ren's way of letting you know that he wants to talk to you.
"You left so fast. You gave me no chance to speak to you" his voice takes over the room.
You didn't even notice everything fading to black around you. But you did feel the calm in his voice. Maybe even a little bit of sadness? Or sympathy. It must be that. But you're not having any of it. A tear escapes your eye, running down your cheek, but you don't bother to stop it. Let it be. You're allowed to cry, just this once.
"Fuck you" you simply say, not in the mood for any smart exchange of lines.
He looks down at you, his lips in one, straight line. He frowns and bites his bottom lip, getting down on one knee in front of you. If it wasn't for your mood and lack of energy, you would most certainly make a joke regarding his poor choice of position.
Ren takes his glove off and proceeds to use his thumb to wipe the single tear away. He doesn't take his hand from your cheek right away, letting it rest on your skin. You look at him shockingly, but can't help but enjoy his touch.
"You had to see who you are, Y/n, and I needed proof too" he explains.
Anger raises in you again. Was this just a stupid experiment for him? A way to check if his new master that made him replay the role of the slave was telling the truth about one of his aberrations.
Before you get to answer him, Ren suddenly takes his hand away and the image of him fades away with no warning. You are left alone on the floor with a look of confusion on your face.
You hear footsteps coming your way, so you get up and act like you were looking around to check if everything's fine.
Finn stops next to you and smiles shyly at you.
"Are you okay, Y/n? You're a bit pale" he notices.
You turn around to face him, narrowing your eyes in a menacing way, causing Finn to take a step further from you.
"Yeah, Finn, I'm great! I just killed one of my friends by shooting lighting with my bare hands. I'm doing amazing! Aren't you too?" you laugh sarcastically.
Finn doesn't say anything, he let's you calm down and also takes a few moments for himself to rethink the conversation.
But you're interrupted by BB-8 returning with a new friend. The new little droid with a cone face presents itself as DO. You pour some oil on DO's squeaky wheel and after it thanks you, you go back to your thoughts, trying to place everything somewhere. What did Palpatine tell Ren about you that he needed proof of? Was it confirmed?
You rest your hand over your cheek, where Ren's hand was. You swear you can still feel his touch. It's probably just in your head, but still...
"Asshole, you always leave when I have so many questions." you whisper, hoping Ren can somehow hear you.

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