Tony Stark - Part 3

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The loud music and all the coloured lights around the Compound are giving you a headache. Not to mention the drunk guys trying to flirt with you in a disgusting manner. You always hated these kind of parties, but you organised this one in the best way possible, for Tony, because he asked you too.
For a while you saw the Avengers trying to blend in and you actually spent a couple of hours talking to Sam and Bucky. You like all the Avengers and they seem to enjoy your presence there. You never had loads of girlfriends, but Wanda, Natasha and Carol were really nice to you. You prefer to spend your free time with Bucky and Sam though.
Anyway, now all the Avengers returned to their rooms, except for Bucky, who's actually having a drink with a girl, and Carol, who's been dancing since the party started. Oh, and Tony, of course, who's, by far, the most drunk person at this party.
He's on the couch, three girl around him, touching his feet, his chest and his face. You know that you shouldn't care, but you do. You try to convince yourself that the only reason why you care about it is that you'll have to throw them out in the morning and clean Tony's room, but you can feel the jealousy burning your chest.
"Why are you even lying to yourself? You know you have a crush on him" you hear a voice behind you.
You jump, turning around to see Carol smiling at you. She has her type of humour...
"Carol, I-I have no idea what you're talking about" you try to save yourself.
She nods her head and for a second you actually think she's gonna let it go, but there's no chance.
"Come on, Y/n, you've been here for a few days and we all saw by now. The way you look at him, the way you talk to him, everything" she continues.
"Sounds to me like it only took you a few days to realize that I'm an idiot who falls in love with her boss, a man known for being a womanizer" you sigh.
Carol's eyes shine and her face features get softer.
"Tony has another side to him, he is a different person and I think you're the one who gets to see that Tony the most out of all of us" she says, putting a hand on your shoulder.
You look at her, thinking about her words and actually appreciating them.
"And if he still ends up being an asshole to you, I can always blast him to another continent" she laughs, raising her glowing fist.
She goes back to dancing, living you alone to think about her words. She is right about Tony, you know that all these stuff are his way of coping with his problems. But you "met" the real Tony, the kind and selfless Tony, the one that would do anything to help people and the one that works constantly to make better technology so he can help even more people.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sudden silence and then by Tony's voice booming in the whole room.
You look at the DJ mini-stage to see Tony wearing his suit, holding a microphone and a glass of something. Heaven knows what he's drinking now.
"Thank you all for coming!" he yells, barely standing on his feet.
You exchange a look with Bucky, who looks really confused. You're not confused, you're dissapointed. And you have to take him off that stage before he says something he might regret the next day.
"I don't know half of the people at this party and the other half are the ladies that I would love to have in my room tonight" he adds, laughing at his own joke.
Everyone laughs and cheers as you try to make your way to the stage. You push the people when you hear someone next to you yelling.
"Stark, what do you do if you need to pee while in that suit?"
Tony hears the question and turns around.
"Someone asked how I pee in this suit" he closes his eyes and a relieved expression appears on his face. "Just like that, my friend" he finishes and everyone laughs again.
"Gross" I roll my eyes, now pushing the last guy standing between me and the stage.
I run on the stage and grab Tony's shoulder, trying to convince him to come with me.
"Oh, my assistant is here to take me, ladies. I guess our night has to wait, cause I have to give my wonderful assistant the thanks she deserves for her amazing job with this party. We all know she's been waiting for this since the first day" Tony says in the microphone, for everyone to hear.
Your cheeks get red and your eyes widen in shock. You look at everyone cheering at you and Tony and then you see Carol and Bucky. Carol starts to walk towards you, but Bucky stops her and you remind yourself to thank him later for stopping a scandal.
"Don't flater yourself, Mr. Stark. I'm only here to take you back to your room, since you're too drunk to even walk. The party is over" you say loud enough for everyone to hear, even though you don't have a microphone.
You're not gonna let him make a fool out of you in front of everyone. If he wants to play this game, he's gonna be the fool.
Carol and Bucky lead everyone out of the Compound while you drag Tony towards his office, to take off the suit.
"Tell me you have clothes under the suit, Tony" you say, annoyed at him. Then you stop and sigh "No, you know what? Tell me that you didn't ACTUALLY PEE in the suit!"
He doesn't say anything. He just looks at you, a serious look on his face.
"I need a glass of scotch" he says.
"You can't be for real, Tony. Look at yourself, I have to hold you so you don't collapse on the floor. What you need now is some sleep" you answer, trying to drag him to the office again, but he doesn't move anymore.
"You are my assistant, you have to do what I tell you, so bring me the damn scotch, Y/n!" he yells at you.
You let go of his arm, tears stinging your eyes. He seems to realize what he said and to regret it, his face suddenly changing to a sad expression.
"Y/n-" he tries to say
"No! You know what? Being your assistant doesn't mean I'm your stupid toy that you can make fun of in front of everyone and that you can treat like garbage. If that's what you understand by 'assistant' then you'll have to find a new one" you say, leaving to your room.
"Wait, Y/n! That's not what I meant!"
You hear him swearing before closing the door and locking it. You fall on your bed, finally letting the tears run freely.

-Tony's POV-
The headache is killing me. I sit on the floor, in front of Y/n's bedroom and I can hear her crying. I let my forehead rest on my knees as I mentally curse myself for being an asshole to her. She's been nothing but nice to me since she came here. She worked hard, but she also made sure that I was okey and always talked to me. I would be lying if I said that I don't have a crush on her, but that didn't happen since Pepper. I deeply fell in love with Pepper so when she left I was heartbroken for months. I can't go throught that again.
I hear footsteps on the corridor and I lift my head to see Carol coming towards me. She sits on the ground, next to me, smiling.
"Hi, drunk idiot, how are you?" she asks.
I smile at her and then look at the door. She looks at it too and hears Y/n, then her face is flooded with sadness.
"She's a nice girl, Tony. And you were an asshole to her tonight. You really fucked up" she let's me know.
"I know. I just-" I try to explain myself, but there's no explanation for my behaviour.
"You just didn't mean it?" she finishes my sentence. "Tony, you have to stop throwing parties everytime you find yourself falling in love with a girl just to forget about her. Stop being a douchebag for once."
Carol has her way of conforting people, but I know she's right and I know she only means well.
"Yeah... You might be right" I say, watching her get back up. "What should I do?" I ask her before she leaves.
"For starters, clean that fucking suit, Stark. Then get some sleep and in the morning tell her you're sorry and ask her on a date, idiot. A normal date, not a date in your lab, working on your stuff."

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