Kylo Ren - Part 2

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As soon as you get out of the ship, you heart blasters everywhere. The small village is burning, innocent and scared villagers run away, as far as possible.
You take out your sword and run towards the noise. Soon you hear BB-8 beeps. He bumps into you and gets scared.
"Hey, little guy, it's me, calm down" you whisper.
He's alone, Poe's not coming from behind. Your heart skips a beat.
"Where's Poe?"
BB-8 beeps again, letting you know that he stood behind to distract the guards while he escaped.
You look back for a second and think about a plan, but nothing comes to your head.
"Okay, BB-8, you go back to my ship and hide there. I'll go get Poe, but if we're not back in half an hour, leave"
He tries to protest, saying that he's not going to leave both you, and Poe behind.
"Stop it, the disk is what matters right now. You need to get it to my mom, no matter what"
BB-8 finally accepts and leaves, while you go towards the village, following the noise of the blasters. You know your mom will be angry about your decision, that she never wants you to be in danger, but she has to understand that your life is not superior to the others. You're not more important than the rest. And the disk contains important plans of The Order. The Resistance has been trying to get them for months. Now that you finally have it, you can't lose it.
You finally see Poe, on his knees, in front of a black figure. Stormtroopers surrounding them, blasters pointed at Poe. He's bleeding and he lost all his weapons.
"Tell me where it is" the masked guy says.
But you know the voice too well, even if it's distorted by the mask. You grew up listening to that voice tell you stories.
"Far away from here, so you can't get your dirty hands on it" Poe answers.
Ben uses the Force to chocke Poe. You can't see his face, but you can only imagine how cold and careless it is.
"If you don't tell me where it is, then that means you're completly useless to me"
For a second you actually think that he's going to kill Poe and you panic, but then he stops and you hear Poe desperately gasping for air.
"Unless..." Ben contemplates and you already know what he's thinking about. "He's coming with us" he finishes.
You get out from my hiding, holding your sword in position, while you yell to get his attention.
He turns around and when he sees you, he makes a few steps towards you, but he soon stops and you hear him tell the stormtroopers to take care of you.
Troopers have already become a joke to you. You take all ten of them out with ease, not even getting tired. Your skills have gotten almost perfect in time, no body actually wanting to train with you anymore.
You see Ben taking Poe from the ground himself and rushing to the ship. You run towards them and get to them before they enter the ship.
"Ben, stop!" you scream.
He turns around and lets go of Poe. He takes out his lightsaber and he ignites it. Seeing him with the red lightsaber gives you goosebumps and brings tears to your eyes, but there is no time for that right now.
Ben engages in attack, but you block it with you own sword. He looks into your eyes and you feel his warm breathing on your face.
"You should just leave, Y/n" he says.
You try to punch him, but he grabs your hands. He squizes you hand painfully and you wince in pain.
"I heard you were the Resistance's best fighter. This is honestly dissapointing" Ben mocks you.
You kick him in his stomach and he falls on his back, but before you can reach him, he gets back on his feet.
"I'm not a little girl anymore, Ben" you answer.
He screams, attacking you again, but you block every single one of his attacks. He's panting while you are ready for another round.
"Ben, what the hell are we doing?" you say, trying to get to his soft side.
"Your Ben is long gone" he says coldly.
You just stare at each other, none of you makes any move.
"And I'm supposed to call you Kylo Ren? Really? You're my brother! Stop this bullshit and come back home"
"Your brother is dead"
He attacks you again, but this time his words get the worst of you and he manages to knock the sword out of your hand. Your lack of attention and your emotions left you unarmed, so he approaches you again, holding his lightsaber in position, you just grab his hand, but he pushes you to the ground. He tries to end the fight with the lightsaber, aiming it at your head, and savagely trying to kill you. But you roll on your side, the lightsaber perforating the ground next to you.
You crawl to your sword and grab it just in time. As Ben grabs your ankle and tries to attack you again, you turn around and let your sword do it's job. You cut Ben's face, through his mask. The mask finally falls to the ground and you can see the shock in his eyes. The blood covers his face. He looks at you, fear in his eyes. You're about to go to him and try to help him, but Poe appears from behind him and grabs you, forcing you to leave your brother there, alone, bleeding.
As you run into the woods and you look behind again, half of you screaming at you to turn around, you see the fear in Ben's eyes turn into anger and you're scared that you might have made a huge mistake.

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