Welcome, Cai

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Cai sat up and looked at me, gripping his side.

"Hey, that hurt." he said.

"'Hey, that hurt.'" I mocked him. Jimmy came over.

"Cai, this is Jimmy. He's a friend." I said.

"Hey, aren't you-?" Cai asked, looking at Jimmy.

"Captain, Jas. Hook, at your service."

"No way did I think that would work..." Cai trailed off.

"No way what would work?" I asked.

"No way sneaking to your house and smashing that orb thing would work. You always told me the Peter Pan stories but you thought that there was another way to get there instead of flying because when you fly through space you would suffocate. And when I saw that thing in your backyard I figured that was it. I smashed it and then here I am."

"Haha, wow, nice...." I said. I never realized how much I had missed joking with Cai.

"Can you get up?" Jimmy asked. He seemed to be caring enough Cai was hurt. That was a good sign.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so." He tried to stand up but gritted his teeth in the process.

"Here. Put your arms here," I said, drapping one around my neck, "and here." and the other around Jimmy's neck.

We helped him hobble into Jimmy's cabin, we couldn't risk taking him down the stairs in his condition. We helped lay him on Jimmy's bed and then called for a pirate, Ol' Joe, who knew about doctoring.

"He'll be fine, he just needs to rest. You say you disinfected it with some alcohol?"

"Yes." Jimmy said. We left Cai to get some sleep and then went out on deck. In all the commotion I had forgotten my ankle was broken. I said down on the cold wet wood and let the rain fall on my face. Jimmy walked over.

"He seems nice."

"Yeah, he is. He's really funny too. And once he's better, he'll be able to help around out here. Like I said, he's pretty strong. You'll like him. You'll see.

"Well, he seems like a nice enough boy."

"Yeah." My leg was throbbing. by now. I untied the boards acting as my splint and rubbed my leg to make it feel better.

"Why don't you just go down stairs and get some sleep?"

"I'm fine. I like the rain in my face. It feels good. I don't really think I could sleep now anyways. My leg is aching, my boyfriend has been shot by an arrow and it's raining. The only upside is the rain right now." Jimmy came and sat beside me.

"You're handling this all rather well."

"If I think about it I won't be."

"Then what do you think about?"

"The present; talking to you." I felt my eyes well up with tears. I had a lot of pressure. I guess it was okay to let it all out now. I couldn't keep pretending everything was peachy keen.

"Why are you crying?" Jimmy asked solicitously.

"I'm not. I'm just letting the rain fall down my face by my eyes." He laughed.

"It's okay you know. You don't have to keep pretending that everything's alright-"

"Everything's not alright! My parents are probably worried sick, my leg is broken, my boyfriend is sleeping because he got shot. It's not fine!" I sighed, putting my hands in my face and carefully bringing my legs up to my chest. Jimmy stroked my sopping wet hair out of my face.

"It will be okay, you'll see." He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me what I think was supposed to be a sideways hug.


I woke up with the rain pouring harder than ever. I was freezing cold and my leg had been bandaged better. Instead of the bulky wood it had been wrapped really really tight, not unlike the modern casts back home. I help myself up and walked into Jimmy's cabin. I froze in my tracks.

"Where is Cai?" I asked Jimmy, who was sleeping in his own bed instead of Cai. He sat up, not expecting to be disturbed.

"Where. Is CAI?" I asked again. When I'm freezing cold, hungry, and have pain, I may as well be an evil tiger.

"He's down on the medicinal deck. He's fine, making good progress. You should get some sleep." He stood up and threw his robe on over his night clothes. I should say night pants, because he and every other guy I met never slept with a shirt on. To this day I still don't understand why.

"Oh." I said.

"'Oh'" He mocked.

I turned around to leave, but as I reached the door I turned around and ran back. I gave Jimmy a quick high five (although he didn't quite grasp the concept) I turned around and as I walked to the door Jimmy asked,"What was that for?"

"You guys have been really nice to me, and now you're being really nice to Cai. It makes me happy that total strangers would be that nice to someone. I think you need to know that you guys are basically like family to me now."

"You're always happy." Jimmy smirked. I left.

I went down to the medicinal deck as quickly as my lame leg would leg me. I found Cai sleeping on the hard cot that I had once been on when Twins had hit me with a knife. I sat down beside him and started to sing. Singing could calm me down. I sang my favorite song.

"Well a you done done me and you bet I felt it, I tried to beat you but you so hot that I melted, I fell right through da cracks. And now I'm tryin' to get bacck. Before the cool done rurn out I'll be givin' it my bestest and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervetnion, I reckon it to give my turn. To win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more, It can not wait. I"m yours..."

Cai Sat up.

"Singing Jason Mraz are we?" I laughed.

"I am, but you need sleep. And don't toss and turn. You'll open your wound again." I got up.

"Where are you going?" Cai asked.

"To bed. I need sleep too you know."


This is one of my favorite chapters, this one and the one where Tems confesses her life to Jimmy in Safe and Sound. What's yours?

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