He Came Back

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Jimmy blinked a few times. He looked down and then back up at me.

"No." He said, turning for his cabin.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so!"

"Tell me why or I'm going to run around this boat with my leg like this even if it kills me."

He turned and looked at me, giving me a look of agrrivation.

"No. Go ahead, hurt yourself more that you need to!"

"Fine, I will." I got up and was about to start running around in circles around the mast when:

"NO!" Jimmy stomped his foot and roared. He looked at me through his messy hair which had once again fallen in his face.

"I won't let you because once Peter had, I lost him to power! He thought himself superior to me and defied me, and because of that, I lost my hand. He never talked to me unless he mocked me, he taunted me from up in the air!"

"I'm not like that. And you know it."

"I won't risk it."

"It could come in handy later. I could run errands quickly and if you want I could-"

"NO!" his temper was starting to annoy me.

"-help you fly too."

He looked at me then, still annoyed but somewhat less agrrivated. I felt Starkey retying the bonds around me as Jimmy stalked into his room. I could feel anger bubbling up inside me.

"Let me go Starkey!"

"That's not such a good idea..."

"Let me go you dirty piece of scum! You humbug! You probably don't even like Christmas! You little-"

I think this is when someone pinched my neck and I passed out.


It was night when I woke up again, still tied to the mast. I was beginning to regret my request to be tied here. Didn't anyone appreciate sarcasm? By now I was sure that Peter had turned Cai's head, making him want to stay with boys his age and not some girl and a bunch of grown men. Even if that girl happened to be his girlfriend....

Suddenly I felt the ropes around me loosen and then drop to the ground. A boy with dark hair and a

mischievious face came around the mast.

"Cai! How did you get here?"

"I'm not sure. After Peter so unceremonially tossed me on his back, my wound opened up again, worse than when I got it. Peter, sensing blood on his back freaked and dropped me in the middle of this snowing woods-"

"The White Wood" I corrected.

"Yeah. And then I don't remember much after that. Just the fact that I can do this-" And with that he lifted into the air and from the moonlight I could see silver on his arms and face.

"But how?"

Then at the same time three firgues appeared on deck. One was Jimmy, the other was Peter. And then there were these three floating figures.

"Peter?" Jimmy said.

"Hook?" Peter retorted.

"Cai?" they both asked.

"All of you silence!" One of the figures commanded. I looked up and this man, a tree spirit like Tinker Bell, came down to us.

"I am a guardian. What has happened tonight was not meant to happen. There must be a punishment."

"For helping this boy live?" Jimmy asked, seeing the mineral dust over Cai.

"It is not meant to be." The tree spirit replied, "And for that, one of you must go."

"Go?" Peter asked, "What do you mean go?"

"I think you know Peter."

Jimmy and Peter readied there weapons at the tree spirit.

"You'll not be killing Cai. He's a good boy." Jimmy said.

"And he's not a complainer either!" Peter said. I guess he couldn't come up with anything better. I took a step in between them so that they would have to come between all three of us to hurt Cai.

"We weren't talking about the boy." The guardian said. "We were talking about her." and he pointed to me with his glowing form. Jimmy and Peter readied themselves again.

"Tems, you need to go. Quickly. Quickly." Jimmy said, shooing me away.

"No. I won't stand for this. Cai was dying and someone helped him. Nothing wrong with that. He's a good kid. He's not going to use his powers selfishly." Starkey ran on deck hearing all the commotion.

Jimmy and Peter, weapons ready, didn't listen to me. They began to swing there's weapons around at the flying spirits and I ran forward. Starkey cocked his gun.

"No! We don't have to fight. Guys! Wait!" And just as I stepped in between them, I suddenly didn't feel so good. I leaned over and tumbled off of the edge of the boat.


oooohhhhh what's gonna happen?

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