He's.... Here?

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I woke up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat. My leg was hurting like crazy, not unusual, seeing as I had just broken it. I had this feeling in my gut, something drawing me towards the top deck. I didn't know what it was, I had to get there. Something was wrong.

I ripped off my night clothes and quickly dressed myself and raced up the ladder and onto the deck. There was Hook, standing there in his clothes, minus his coat. And there were pirates too, at the edge of the ship and they were coming out of a boat, dragging something with them. It was raining.

"What happened?"

"We heard a scream, not a girl, but a boy, maybe your age. It didn't sound like Peter. I sent a few men to go check it out. They just came back."

I finally got a glimpse of what they were carrying. It was a boy, with dark brown hair, way darker than Peter's chestnut colored hair. He  had a mischievous look to him, but it was hard to tell with him passed out. He had relatively pale skin and had on the same black shoes he had been wearing for years....

"Cai!" I shouted, "CAI!" I ran over to his limp body. There was a gash in his shirt, right where his middle was. There was.... blood.


"You know him?" Jimmy asked.

"Of course I do, this is the boy I was telling you about! You know, speaking in your time, we are 'corting' or whatever? He's been stabbed or something!"

One of the pirates spoke

"When we found 'im, we saw a bunch of Indians run off, and he had 'n arrow in 'is side. We took it out but..."

I ran down into the sleeping quarters and through open the chest.

"come on, think, think."

I grabbed a pair of old pants and ran up on deck.

"Here, Jimmy, you still have that whisky?"

"Yeah, here." He handed it too me. I opened it and poured it on his wound. I then wrapped the pants around his abdomen and tide it, creating a sort of bandage. The sting of the whisky made his open his eyes in pain.




Hey my friends! Sorry, this is a filler chapter, but yay! You get to meet Cai! feedback? Anyone? And no, this isn't about to turn into some sappy romance because hey, that's not Peter Pan. I just needed another character to have adventures with so please, let me hear some feedback.

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