Safe and Sound

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Hey guysssss can I have some feedback? ONE COMMENT? TWO COMMENTS? THREE? I would love to hear what you think, who ur fav charactor is, what you want to see. Remember ta vote


I woke up in the Frozen Forest, shivering from the cold. I sat up and looked around. Jimmy turned and looked at me. His messy hair fell into his face. My leg had a throbbing pain in it, but I didn't bother looking.

"Feeling any better? I was getting concerned."

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?"

"Well, as I was helping you onto a rock a mermaid came and pulled you under."


"She found out that you were here from Peter, and, thinking you loved him, came to kill you. Her plan backfired, however.."

"You mean you killed her?"

"I didn't have a choice!"

"But a mermaid-"

"Mermaids are heartless and cruel. They can only feel one emotion at a time and it's usually jealousy."


By now I was shivering even more from the cold. I was shaking all over and it was hard to keep warmth. Jimmy saw this and came and drapped a blanket over my shoulders.

"Where did you get that?"

"Back at our camp, where you oh so unquietly tried to escape."

"Hey, that wasn't my fault!"

"Well, it kind of was..."

"Well, either way."

"Here-" he said, pulling something from his pocket, "It's a roll from back at camp. Not much, but I figured you were hungry."

"Oh. Thank you." I said. I chewed on it happily.

"Why are you always happy?"


"You. You're always happy. You are living with people who aren't your age, you haven't contacted your parents in over a week, and you are basically alone. Why are you so happy?"

I sighed, putting my shaking hands in my lap. This provided shelter from the wind on my wet body as well as it was rather comfortable.

"Growing up, my mother told me the story of Peter Pan. It was different that the story I now know, but it went something like this: Peter had somehow lost his shadow in London, as he went back to get it at Wendy's house, Wendy was a girl he came to's window to hear stories, Wendy and her brothers woke up and begged Peter to take them to Neverland. He agreed and it was said Wendy became a mother figured to the Lost Boys, meaning those lads Peter runs around with, and she told them her stories.

Then, you and the pirates captured Wendy and her two brothers as well as the lost boys. As you were about to make them walk the plank, Peter came. You however, weren't expecting this, seeing as you thought you had poisoned him. It was said there was a great battle, and not many pirates lived. As you and Peter were narrowing in for the final battle, you supposed leapt over the ship in fear, right into the open jaws of the crocodile."

Remembering the last line, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"And thus parrished James Hook."

Jimmy looked at me with wide eyes. They weren't alarmed, or even frightened, just curious. I continued.

"I grew up with this story, waiting for something to happen to me, something like what Wendy experienced. I guess coming here, I was just happy that after 14 years of waiting, something happened. As for being found by you guys, well, I was uneasy at first. I grew up with the idea YOU were the bad guys, the ones who always lose.

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