Chapter 6

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"You died" she asked with her mouth opened, what was she expecting? That I got married and lived happily ever after with my prince charming.

I closed my locker and started walking away and she chased after me.

"What do you mean you died" she whispered a little bit.

" The memory was not that clear to me but what I saw and remembered as clearly is that I died"

She quickly opened the book that had a pen in it " Can you tell me what exactly happened?" Since when did she became a detective but I told her anyway.

"I saw myself in the arms of a young girl with white hair and blue eyes like me, she was crying while I was dieing in her arms from God knows what. Whatever that was killing was burning me from the inside and when I woke up, I felt like fire was catching inside my body, I had to take a shower to calm myself down" I explained while she wrote down every word I said. The memory felt so real that I thought I was dieing .

"This means that you died Young" She stated "What is the next memory?" She asked while preparing to write.

" The next memory was.............."

(Flash Back)

Shows a family of five eating together at a table made for royalty. They all had white and a bit of purple hair and blue eyes and they looked happy.

"How is your classes Evelyn?" The father asked.

The girl named Evelyn smiled at her father with her blue shining as brightly. "Good father. I am learning really fast unlike some people sitting beside me" referring to the boy her age sitting beside her, she glared at him.

"What is that supposed to mean Evelyn?" He asked while glaring at her as well.

"What I mean is Emerson, is that you don't focus in your classes" she fired back.

" How do you know, you are not in my classes" he raised an eyebrow at her.

" I know because, you are always chasing around the first princess you see"

He smirked " What do you expect, I am a prince and I get whoever I want. That is not your problem"

The father laughed " That is my boy. How about you Andriana. How are your classes coming along?" He asked.

" Well father" She relied with a polite smile on her face.

"And she also fantasies about Tristan all day father" Evelyn cutted in.

Andriana blushed deeply" Shut your big mouth Evelyn".

"Yeah" Emerson agreed "You do have a big mouth, maybe you should join my best gossip award next day that I will be holding"

" Shut up Emerson" Evelyn said.

The father laughed along with the mother " I am so proud of my children" the father said and the mother agreed.

(End of flash back)

I finished telling her the memory I had as we entered into our morning class and sat down beside each other.

"Wow" Helen commented after she finished writing down what i told her, I still didn't know why that was necessary. "This means that you had two siblings named Emerson and Evelyn"

" Thank you for stating the obvious" I rolled my eyes. Of course it was obvious that I had a brother and a sister and we had a happy family, much more happy than the family I was with now. My bad luck, couldn't I had gone to a better family that was happy.

"And your name is Andriana and your lover's name is Tristan" the said the last part dreamy and I giggled but turned serious again.

"Can you use was instead of is. My name is Guinevere and I don't have a lover" I told her.

" You never know. Maybe he was also reincarnated and he will find you and both you will live happily ever after"

" This is not a movie or a book Helen" I told her.

" This world is not as it seems. You know, I will even believe anything now, if a person runs in here and says that a dragon flee by, I will definitely believe them"

I giggled at her silliness but my smile disappeared when James walked up to us.

"What's up James" I greeted him.

"I asked around, you don't have a date with any one. You don't have to lie to me Guinevere" Oh boy, now he was angry.

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