Chapter 2

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I slowly took my brush and an image flashed into my mind and i started drawing, i let my hand and mind take control and do some magic.

A few minutes later, everyone were still busy with their work and so was i. Mr. Dallas went around looking at the work of others till he got to mine and he stood behind me and watched as i draw the first thing that came to my mind. It was a lake surrounded by all types of flowers and the moon light shined into it and the blue waters glow like magic. Good thing i was a little bit faster or i wouldn't have been able to finish a such a work and when the bell finally rang, i was done while many students groaned because they were not done. I stared at my work closely, it looked so familiar, i felt connected to it but that was stupid, how could i feel connected to a painting. 

Mr. Dallas told us to leave and we all did and we headed to the cafeteria because it was lunch.

"I didn't get to finish my work" Helen complained as  she made our way to lunch.

"I told you to learn how to draw a bit faster" I giggled.

We got the cafeteria that was filled with hungry student in red and white uniform. Helen and i got into line and picked our tray of food  and went over to our table and met our other friends Rose and Dora.

 Helen and i got into line and picked our tray of food  and went over to our table and met our other friends Rose and Dora

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(These are our twins. Show some love!🎖️)

Rose and Dora were unidentical twins and they also had different personalities. Rose was calm, caring and sweet while Dora was the opposite, she was a tomboy.

Helen and i took our seat and the twins greeted us "What's up ladies" Said Dora.

"Nothing much , i just didn't get to finish some work in class, how about you girls. How was your science classes" Helen asked.

"you know, boring as usually" Dora complained, she had never liked school, she was only forced by her parents and she didn't want to disappoint them.

"It was entertaining and interesting and  we learned new things" Rose said and smiled, she was always the brighter one.

I stares at my tray of food as another image of a girl flashed into my head but this time it was a memory. I couldn't see her face non could i see the person she was with but he had long hair like my painting but suddenly the girl giggled over something the boy said, the laugh felt so familiar but the memory was gone and was replaced with an headache. I came back to reality and saw that i was breathing fast.

"Gwen are you Alright" Rose asked worried. 

"Yeah. Excuse me" i said and got up and ran to the girls bathroom in school. Luckily, i was the only one there. I stared at myself in the wall mirror, i was sweating. I opened the tap and quickly washed my face with water and stared at my reflection again. I had a bit of purple and white hair and blue eyes. I was born with white and purple hair, at first i was ashamed of my hair because i stood out from everyone  but in time, i began to accept the far that i was born that way and my parents said something about being special.

I dried my face and left the restroom only to come face to face with James outside the girls restroom.

(This is how our James look like

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(This is how our James look like. What do you think?)

My bad luck! James had brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hey James" i greeted with a fake smiled.

"I was worried about you when i saw you running out of the cafeteria  and i thought i should check up on you. Are you okay?" he asked. James was a sweet and caring guy and he was very good looking but i didn't want anything to do with him but he won't take a hit that i didn't like him and kept asking me out.

"You don't have to worry James, i only had to use the restroom"

"okay but i was wondering what you were doing on the weekend" i already knew this was going, this guy seriously had a problem.

"I will be very busy" i told him and he frowned.

"What will you be doing on a Friday night" he asked.

"I have a thing, i have a date" i told and he stared at me disappointed.  He was about to say something when the bell rang and i thanked the heavens because i was saved by the bell.

"See you later James" I smiled and him and walked pass him and ran to my locker and took my song book and ran to music class.     

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