Chapter 11

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"That is stupid Helen. Are you saying that I am not human but a monster from another world that was reincarnated into the human world" I asked her, she seemed to know everything.

" It might be true" she said and I stared at her like she had lost her mind, we all had lost our minds. "Execpt for the monster part. Wait here" she added and ran out the room leaving me to stand there. I was slowly losing it, first I found out that I was reincarnated and now I was suddenly freezing everything by sneezing, since when did my life became so messed up than it already was.
Helen came back with a bowl of water and a knife. She came in and locked the door and turned to me . She placed the bowl of water and on the floor and came to me with the knife. What was she going to do to me with a knife?.

"Relax, I am not planning on stabbing you or anything" she rolled her eyes at me " But we need to prove something" she added.

" Prove what" I asked, where was she going with this.

" If you are a human or not" I couldn't believe she was encouraging this. I stared at her with my mouth wide opened.

"How are you going to do that. Cut me open with a knife" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

" I wish I could do that but you will be dead and I don't want that" she was clearly excited about cutting me open " Let's use the safest method" she grabbed my arm, she was smiling like an idiot.

" Do you know that you look like a villain right now. " I told her and she giggled, this was what her parents were scaring of. She thought everything that happens in the movie happens in real life and she wanted to test everything, the girl was going crazy over this " And if you cut my arm, what is going to happen" I asked.

She rolled her eyes " Don't you do any research or watch TV. I want to see the type of blood you have or if you even have at all" she chuckled and I glared at her.

" Get it over with already and prove your stupid point" I said and she quickly cut my arm with the knife and I felt a sharp pain went through me but it was gone as quickly as it came. We waited for  blood and when we saw the blood, I nearly fainted out of shock, our eyes widened and a very loud thunder was heard  over our heads and we looked up at the ceiling and down at the blood again.

"Oh my God" I choked out, this was not happening to me, it was not.

" You have blue blood just as I knew you won't have the same blood as us" She slowly touched the blood and she frowned " It's so cold as ice. What the heck?" She stepped back a little and we both watched as the wound healed itself and we both gasped at the same time. Suddenly I felt light headed, I felt dizzy, maybe when I would wake up, everything would be a dream and my imagination and slowly I fell to the floor and I became deaf to the world and darkness came over me.

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