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Jasmyn's POV
On Arriving at  Daura the news of my marriage was the first in which I received. I was beyond shocked and scared at the same time .

"" I shuttered as I spoke to my own father for I was scared of him " I have a person whom I want to get married to " I said with my head bent low to the ground .

"Nonsense ,Ashe kin para surayi ( so you've started dating ) he said in hausa which I understood very well .

" baba ( it's not like that dad )" I said feeling my eyes burning from the tears which threatened to fall

   why was I so scared of him .

"Look Jasmyn you'll marry the prince no mater what" he said in words which spelt finality .

"But I've already accepted Salihu " I said in tears looking at him .

"I don't care ,no child of mine will marry an outcast " he said with no emotion or so on he's Stern face " better just Accept your Fate " he said.

I'm dead .

"But dad please I love Salihu " I said crying as I swallowed a lump .

"You know I'll never change my decision " he said sternly .

"Dad please " I said crying as I held he's leg tight as I placed my head on it ....I really loved Salihu even more than life itself .

"But I'm still a minor , I can't get married now" I said with the hope of convincing him and he chuckled .

"It's seems that leaving over seas has certainly made you forgotten that my decision goes no mater what " he said "don't make me purnish you for this " he added .

"HAMZA" he shouted the name of he's most trusted guard and he came running in with he's head bent to he's feet's .

"Yes your majesty" Hamza said .

"I want you to make sure that she's locked up in her room "my brutal dad said . No wonder my mum left him " and make sure that she's not allowed to leave the room " he said and I shaked my head in the Negative in tears as he said those words .

"Dad please " I said crying bitterly as some female maids took me up forcefully .

"Dad" I cried Loud as i was taken away .

I was taken gently to my room where I was locked up but the sily people forgot to collect my phone and I knew who to call that instant , the one who I trusted and loved the most . My brother Haidar .

I called him and he picked up immediatly saying he'll be in Daura by evening and I knew I could count on him that's if my father changes he's mind .

Hello guys is the sequel to RAWANI and I hope you'll love it .....

Lots of love from; Qudrah ❤️

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