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Jasmyn got up and walked away and I watched her as she did so.

I couldn't control myself I dared to cry infront of a woman, something I never  imagined doing.

This wasn't the first time I rapped a woman in my drunken state. I did so to hajarah but at that time it was a planed event conjured by hajarah's  brain.

But this time,  I rapped jasmyn, though she was my wife it still hurts because she is still a woman and I forcefully took her virginity.

Right now I am seated in my car and driving to a destination that Even I arent aware of. I needed to free my head.

"Why am I so fucked up? " I mumbled stepping roughly on the brakes.  I stopped, I majesticaly came out of the car,  I was before a valley .

At this valley,  I came and cried the day hajarah and I broke up. I still remember it like it was yesterday but what Is forgotten shouldn't be remembered for it will reopen stitched wounds.

I sat infront of the valley I looked down the valley and could still see the river, it was still there.

"When I lost my mum, I sat over here "I sang, immediately my mum left I was flown abroad.

"What is lost is never to be found, like my happiness "I cried slowly feeling the salty taste of my tears on my tongue as it slid down.

"You should never say that "A voice startled me and I got up In a splint.

I looked back only to meet an old man wearing a dirty white turban and a singlet.  He stood before me.

"Why are you here alone at a time such as this? " he asked walking closer towards me as I moved back slowly.

"Stop you'll fall"he said grabbing my Arm.

"Who are you? " I managed to ask.

"My name is rohann, I'm a hunter here in the valley to find my prey "he spoke in hhihusky tone.

"Why are you sad "he asked placing his hand on my shoulder,  my eyes moved gently until it met with that of the charms hungged across his shoulder,  what baffled me was the fact that he had no gun,  what was he supposed to hunt with.

"Hey you're in India "my subconscious said and I huffed softly.

"Nothing I'm just.... "I tried speaking but was cut short by him.

"Tell me the truth because you'll never know of what help I might be to you " he said.

I looked at him and he seemed reliable though he was dirty and disgusting.

"I rapped my wife "I said seating on the rocky ground and so did he.

Why ? "Came his questions.

"I was drunk "I said wiping the sand on my cheeks which got  there probably because I placed that same hand on the sand.

"But are you both in love? "He asked.

"No"I responded "it was Arranged " I completed my statement.

"Now I get it" he said.

"Is she Angry at you? " he asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Give her some time "he said "wounds need to heal"he said.

"I'm thinking of letting her go"I said.

"Hmmmmm"he huffed.

"My son, all I can say to you is to listen to your heart but do give her some time before going through with any decision" he said.

"You are young and shouldn't be thinking of divorce as of yet,  but remember , listen to your heart "he completed his statement and I nodded .

"I need to go now,  I have some prey to catch "he said standing up on his feet.

"Thank you "I said as I got Up on my feet.

"You're welcome "he.

I watched as he exited through the woods and like a shadow he was gone.

I sat back down on the rocky ground.  I thought of what he had said and yes! He was right .
I needed to to think before doing things , I needed to help jasmyn , Afterall she was just a kid , a seventeen years old whose parents got her married off early , I needed to help her . I needed to stop holding my past and focus on the future

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