Chapter 4

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"Annabeth." Someone tapped her shoulder. "Annabeth wake up." This time that someone flicked her cheek. She just rolled over onto her side and grumbled under her breath. Then a slightly deeper voice spoke. "Okay I'm hungry." A bucket of freezing cold water splashed against her face and she shot up spluttering and spiting water out of her mouth. 

She glared at both Perseus and Grover. Grover at least looked a little scared and apologetic but Perseus just raised an eyebrow. "Y'know I wonder if Apollo had anything to do with the word apologetic." She blurted out. 

"What the fuck?" Perseus exclaimed.

"Sorry, got side tracked. Now can you dry me so we can go eat? I'm hungry."

"Oh your hungry." Perseus grumbled as he dried her. 

Annabeth took a look around her and was surprised to find that she was sitting on a bench in a train station. She saw an empty bucket next to the bench. The smell of food wafted through the air, making all three questers groan in pleasure. 

"Come on, now I'm seriously hungry." Perseus said, grabbing her wrist and dragging her through the crowd of people until they came to a pancake place. They sat down and ordered their food. 

"Okay so where are we?" Annabeth asked, looking at the crowd for any potential monsters or gods in hiding. "St. Louis." Perseus said. Big mistake. Annabeth squealed but quickly went up to a pitch that he was sure only dogs could hear. He felt sorry for all the dogs nearby. 

Rubbing his ear, Grover spoke up. "Did you have to go that high? Like come on." Annabeth didn't answer any questions and immediately began firing her own questions at Perseus. 

"Can we go see the Arch? Please, we have the time right. The bolt doesn't have to be back in Zeus' hands for another week and a half. Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase?" 

Perseus and Grover just stared at Annabeth with incredulous looks on their faces. Their food was arrived but was promptly ignored in favor of staring at Annabeth. 

"What?" She asked.

"You want to stop a quest that, if we fail will-"

"-cause World War III because-"

"you want to go sightseeing?!?!" 

Annabeth looked between the satyr and demigod. "Okay that was freaky. And yes. Is that a problem?" Grover and Perseus looked at each other and shrugged. "I don't see why not." The Sea Prince said. They all dug into their food in preparation for the detour 

Let it be known that while very dangerous, Perseus was still a twelve year old boy. 

Grover and Perseus grabbed Annabeth and pulled her into the elevator, trying to get her away from the exhibit. They'd already tried five times and this was the first time they where successful.  

They collapsed against the wall of the elevator dramatically while Annabeth just rolled her eyes at the boys dramatics. A family of three and a ranger looked at them and chuckled. The ride was silent but Perseus couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. Where the mortals monsters? Perseus concentrated on them and pierced through the mist. 

Nope not monsters. He spent the rest of the elevator ride trying to figure out what was going to happen.

When the doors opened Annabeth shot out of there faster than an bullet and pressed her face against the windows trying to get a good look at the architecture of the entire thing. She kept muttering about how she could have done it better. 

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