Chapter 6

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The drive back to camp was long and silent. Perseus mostly slept and healed, munching on some ambrosia the few times he was awake. Annabeth woke him up when they arrived at the base of Half-Blood Hill. Blackjack landed next to them as the cab pulled away. Annabeth and Grover turned towards Perseus.

"What are you going to do now?" She asked. Grover looked at him with worry. Perseus looked at their puppy dog like eyes. He sighed. "Fine. I'll go with you into camp. But after that me and Blackjack are out of there."

And hopefully for some donuts, I hope.

"You used hope twice, buddy."

I'm a horse, not an English professor.

Perseus was about to retort when Annabeth spoke up. "You two done?" Annabeth said sassily. Perseus just gestured for her to lead the way. She huffed and made her way up the hill.

When they got to the hill top he watched her falter in her step. He followed her line of sight and found Luke at the bottom of the hill. The look on his face was a mixture of murderous and pleasure. It and his scare just enhanced the whole evil look he was giving off.

"You shall be betrayed by the one you love, and you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end." Annabeth muttered.

"I wasn't sure your remembered that." Perseus whispered. Annabeth just chuckled dryly. "I'm a daughter of Athena, I never forget."

Grover chose that time to speak up. "So... what are we going to do?" He was fiddling with his hands wrapping them and unwrapping them. Perseus looked around at the crowd that gathered. "We do our best." He walked down the hill and towards Luke. "Hermes, I know you can hear me. You might want to flash to my location. It concerns Luke."

A moment later he felt the heat that comes with a god flashing and knew Hermes was beside him. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "We have to try to save him, Perseus." He turned so Hermes could see his eyes. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

When he arrived a large crowd had gathered, sensing the tension. Hermes stopped on his left while Annabeth was on his right. He could see a couple of the demigods pointing to his new marks. "Hello father." Luke spat out. He turned towards Perseus. "You should have died on that quest."

He gestured towards Annabeth and Grover. "Why? So your girlfriend and friend could have died to?" Annabeth stepped up. "Tell me Luke, tell me you didn't do it. Tell me, you didn't steal the Master Bolt." The crowd of demigods around them gasped.

Luke's face hardened. "The gods don't deserve to rule! They have done nothing but ruin this planet, nothing but use their children as slaves!" Luke stabbed his finger angrily at his new mark. "Those are marks of Zeus Furry as the gods call it. It only happens when Zeus gets angry and strikes someone with his bolt." Perseus could see the crowd shifting and knew that this had devolved to a battle of wills.

"Exactly!" He hollered out. He tore off his leather jacket and let it fall to the ground. "I have not had the greatest of childhoods. And to top it off, I find Zeus' lightning rod, and he shoots it at me!" Thunder rumbled in the sky and Hermes and Annabeth looked confused and slightly afraid.

"What is he doing?!" Hermes whispered, his eyes darting to the demigods around him. Grover smirked. "He's proving how powerful he is."

"But I will always be there. I will always be there to take the shots, to take the furry of Olympus. Because I have the power and the body to survive it! I am powerful enough to take down, Hades, Poseidon, Triton, Amphitrite, Persephone and Ares! I swear this on the River Styx!"

Thunder boomed all around them, and by now the entire camp was gathered at the base of the hill and silent, staring in awe at the Son of Poseidon. Well there where some children of Ares that looked furious. "The Titans are leading a war against the gods. I say, the Titans can go fuck themselves! No slimy bastard that has been rotting away in Tartarus, can tell me what I can and cannot do!" The demigods shouted their agreement. There where only a few that looked nervous and only one or two more that looked at Perseus with disgust.

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