Chapter 7

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Annabeth dove to the side, narrowly missing the heat of one of the raging Colchis Bulls. She stood up and backed away, observing the chaos around her. The Colchis Bulls where radiating so much heat that it was burning the grass and blocking the campers from making any sort of kill shot. 

She watched as nature spirits worked on putting out the fires that raged across Half Blood-Hill. She looked around to see where she was needed and made the mistake of looking at Thalia's pine. The tree that held the spirit of her friend- no sister- would be more appropriate, was sickly looking. The pine needles that where still on the tree where yellow and dropping while their brethren littered the floor.  

"Princess! Quit day dreaming and help us." Clarisse shouted. Annabeth snapped back to attention just as Clarisse and some of her siblings ran past with more swords. She charged into the fray drawing the attention of one of the bulls away from a little Hermes girl. "Hey! Come get an ice bath over here ya big smelly jerk!"

Okay so not the best insults Annabeth's come up with, but hey she's tired. "Where are you when we need you Perseus?" She grumbled under her breath. The very same breath hitched when she saw the bull turn towards her. Those ruby eyes seemed to promise a very hot death. 

Annabeth turned around and sprinted back up the hill, trying to get it out of camp. "Hey smelly!" She says as she runs past the other bull. It was standing next to the burnt husk of a camper. She did her best to put the sight and the smell out of her mind. "Your mother was a whore!" 

That, for some reason seemed to work and Annabeth found herself running up the hill with two super heated mechanical bulls hot on her trail. "Not your best plan, Chase." She told herself. She was almost at the top of the hill when the temperature plummeted around them. Clouds blanketed the sky. 

Annabeth came to a stop and smiled. Looks like one of her prayers was getting answered. Both the campers and the bulls stopped what they where doing and looked around. Annabeth watched as a couple garden snakes came up to some of the injured campers and worked together to pull them to safety. That squashed any doubt in her mind of who was coming. 

Perseus crested the hill ridding Blackjack at full gallop, before leaping off of the flying horse and rolling to the ground. He sprung up, an insane smile on his face. In his right hand was his trident while he held the silver kopesh in his left.

What is it with you and your damned dramatic entrances, boss? 

"Tyson, come on in!" He shouted ignoring Blackjacks remark. His six foot half brother lumbered through the camp border and came up to him. "What would you like me to do, brother?" Tyson asked. 

Perseus rolled his shoulders, "Just make sure one of them doesn't get behind me." He charged, ice outlining his every foot step. He threw his trident at the one closest to him and nocked out one of its legs. He turned towards the other on and braced himself as it charged. 

He cooled down the air as best as he could, but try as he might he still couldn't counteract the bulls extreme heat. The air around it shimmered. Perseus lunged forward and sliced off on of its horns but had to jump back. His right arm had what looked to be third degree burns on it. 

He looked up at the sky and willed it to rain above him. Soon the entire area was drenched in water but not a single drop hit the bull. It all turned to steam before it came within six inches of it. He heard a large crash behind him and spun around to see Tyson at his back, holding off the three legged bull, but even with his immunity he was starting to burn. 

"Tyson keep it up for a little while longer. I'll come up with something." He switched his Moonlight  to his left arm and lunged forward narrowly missing one of the hooves. He tried summoning water but that didn't work either. 

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