Chapter 1

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A crack of thunder was the first thing that was off. The next clue that something was horribly wrong was the soft tapping of rain against glass. That's what woke most of the camp up actually. They were used to hearing the sound of thunder- Zeus wanted everyone to remember who was king after all- but the camp was charmed against bad weather.

Campers stumbled out of their cabins; loosely gripping swords in case there was actually something wrong. The clash of metal against metal woke everyone up and they all raced to Half-Blood hill, willing to fight in their PJ's.

What they saw shocked them. Monsters where swarming the mortal side of the Hill converging on a single point. Coincidentally the storm was densest at this point.

All the campers could see was the flash of something glowing a faint ocean blue color. Where ever the blue weapon went a monster fell, and they where staring to fall fast. The rain outside turned to hail, which was killing a good deal of the monsters on its own.

Slowly the campers could make out two people. One of them was playing some kind of instrument- reed pipes maybe? - while the other was wielding what looked to be a glowing trident. The rain dissipated as some of the last monster where killed.

The two fighters turned and looked to make their way up the hill, the trident vanishing into mist, when the sound of a large cow rang through the forest.

The campers where frozen in fear as most saw the Minotaur for the first time in their lives. The beast stood at twelve feet tall and had the head of a bull with bull fur going down its back. The only piece of clothes it was wearing was a dirty loincloth. It spun a large double head axe and jumped, aiming for the trident wielder.

The other one sprinted up the hill, getting out of the way as soon as possible. Annabeth and Luke, a couple that where leader in all but name recognized the person running towards them as Grover, the same satyr that rescued them.

"Grover!" Annabeth shouted, running out from the demigods and helping to pull Grover to safety. Luke was watching the other demigod, expertly doge the Minotaur.

"What's going on?!" Annabeth asked. She was getting worried about the demigod down there. "We need to go help him. Campers!" She was cut off when Grover shook his head. He had finally caught his breath.

"Annabeth, you won't believe how powerful he is. His scent is intoxicating. He knows he's a demigod and says he's a son of Poseidon. I believe him to. His control over his powers is freighting."

The campers where in shock. A son of Poseidon? They where rare and where often powerful. "I'd say that we just wait for him to take care of the Minotaur."

The demigods watched as the Son of Poseidon danced around the Minotaur, one of the most feared monsters in the Greek Pantheon, like it was nothing. That was until he tripped on a rock and took a tumble. The Minotaur saw the opportunity and sent its ax at the demigod.

To all the campers surprise, the ax was stopped just inches from the demigod's chest, the Apollo campers could see his veins bulging in his arms. The demigod wormed his way out from under the ax, all the while holding it in place. He let it go as soon as he was free.

The ax slammed into the ground and the Minotaur stumbled forward. The demigod summoned the trident again and the two beings fought ax to trident.

The demigods on the hill where in awe of this demigod. He was obviously very power and strong if he could hold his own against the Minotaur for this long. They watched as he stomped on the ground and dove beneath the Minotaur's legs, just as it came crashing to its knees. The Son of Poseidon jumped up onto its back and thrusted the trident into its head.

All that was left of the monster was a single horn.

The demigod picked up the horn and walked to the campers, a ridiculous grin on his face.

He looked to be about twelve years old. He was wearing a black leather jacket, dark blue shirt with combat pants and boots. As the trident dissipated a tattoo of a trident appeared on the inside of his right arm.

"Hello, my names Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon. Now what do I have to do to get some food around here?" Annabeth and Luke stepped forward. "We need to talk. We can do it over food." Perseus nodded his okay. Annabeth dismissed the rest of the campers, promising answers while Luke lead Perseus and Grover to the dining pavilion.

As they sat down a bowl of cheerios was set in front of them by some nymphs. Annabeth soon joined them. They looked pointedly at Perseus as he ate. "How are you that powerful?"

Perseus raised an eyebrow and looked over at Grover. "Not much tact eh?" The satyr shrugged. "They have their moments."

"My mother was murdered by my step father. My father rescued me and gave me my trident. I went on my way eventually coming to kill two different gangs as well as cause some of the worst natural disasters in American history."

Annabeth glared at him. "You know you are on the FBI's most wanted, right?" Perseus adopted an innocent expression. "Who me?" He shoved a spoonful of Cheerios into his mouth to hide his smirk.

Luke spoke up. "Is there a reason why you have committed mass murder?" Perseus shrugged. "On one hand, I wanted to. On the other hand, the Washington State gang was responsible from buying drugs in Canada and selling them here. The Florida state gang was involved with both drugs and human trafficking. I rather think that I did this country a service."

Annabeth slammed the palm of her hand into her forehead. "That's not the point. The point is that you brought scrutiny on us. Demigods. We have had to use the Mist on several high-ranking officials just to divert their attention!"

Perseus didn't bother to act like he cared. "Oops?" he said with a flat tone. Annabeth through her hands up in the air. "You can deal with him Luke." She stomped off.

"Was it really necessary to kill all those people?" Luke asked tiredly.

"The less humans," the word human dripped with disgust, "the better off we are."

Perseus stood up from the table. "Now it doesn't look like you are going to let me leave anytime soon, so whats Dads cabin number?"

"2." Luke said. 

"Night." Perseus said as he walked off towards the cabins. 

Luke turned on Grover. "What do you know about him?"

Grover looked down at his empty bowl. "Basically the same stuff that you do. I know that he doesn't talk about his past. He is insanely skilled with that trident and his powers. He never stays in one place for to long. You know that assignment I had?" Luke nodded. "He was the assignment. Lady Artemis told Chiron of a rumor of a rouge demigod. Me and a few others where sent out to find him. He's dangerous Luke. Very dangerous."

Grover shivered remembering how he had found Perseus in Florida. His eyes, glowing pools of power. "When you look at him you could almost feel the power rolling off of him. Then you look in his eyes, Luke the first time I looked in his eyes, I nearly wet myself. They where dark, dangerous. His sea green eyes where so dark they where black. It was like looking into nothingness." Grover had a far away look in his eyes as he cast his mind back. 

"So tread carefully, eh?" Luke joked. Grover came to and looked as serious as Luke had ever seen him. "Tread carefully, like your life depends on it. Because I'm pretty sure it does."

With that cheery note the son of Hermes got up and left while Grover wandered into the forest. He was concerned with how Perseus would react to some of the other Campers. He could only hope that it didn't turn out like Florida.

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