The camp was silent, everyone waiting to hear what the two powerful demigods had to say. "What has our uncle done?" Nico whispered. Perseus just shook his head. "So Uncle Zeus has kicked out his own half-brother on the basis of him poisoning his illegitimate daughter who just so happens to be a tree."
Nico made a show of counting off his fingers. "Yea, that sounds about right." Perseus sighed and headed for the dining pavilion. "I can't deal with this right now, I'm fucking famished."
"Hey a big word! I didn't know you knew those existed!" Perseus gave Nico the bird as he walked away. Perseus heard Blackjack trot up to him.
About time boss, I was getting hungry just watching you fight.
"No you can't have any donuts."
Aww come on boss, I just galloped all the way here with your brother on my back. I should get an award for doing that.
Perseus looked over at the pegasus, raising an eyebrow. He didn't know it was possible for a horse to look sheepish. He looked over his shoulder at the crowd of demigods who where all talking. He spotted Nico and Annabeth but no Tyson or Grover. "Where is my brother?" He asked.
I saw him wander off somewhere towards a building with a lot of smoke coming out of it.
"Lets just hope that it was the forge and not the Hephaestus cabin he went into."
Blackjack snorted in amusement. Perseus sat down at the Poseidon table and a nymph set a plate of barbecue in front of him. He dug in as he watched the camp return to its normal activities. He watched Tantalus stomp off, angry at being dismissed so easily.
He was just about finished with his meal when Annabeth plopped down beside him. He could see her rocking in her seat, bursting at the seams with questions. He wiped his face with his napkin and tossed it onto his plate. He turned to Annabeth and saw Nico standing behind her.
"Alright talk. I wake up and find out that you've left and then I don't see you for months! Then you show up right when we need you wielding a kopesh, and using magic of all things, you aren't even a son of Hecate and that didn't look like any Greek magic that I've seen!" Annabeth glared at Perseus and Nico. "And why did you two have to fight on the Hill?"
Perseus looked at Nico and shrugged. "I told him the next time we meet that we would fight." Nico looked at Annabeth and then Perseus. "And so we did, although those horses where new." Perseus smirked, "Why do you have to be the only one with a personal army?"
Nico nodded and sat down across from the two of them. "Grudges aside, its good to see you Perseus." Perseus genuinely smiled, "You to Nico."
Annabeth looked between the two demigods. "Hey, quite staring into each others eyes. I have questions."
"We weren't staring into each other eyes."
"We weren't staring into each other eyes."
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Sure you weren't." She shoved her finger in Perseus arm. "Now what was that magic? And what was it supposed to do?"
Perseus looked around for ease droppers before talking. "That was Egyptian magic. As I'm sure you know Egypt was dominated by the Greeks for a while." He pulled out the wand and laid it on the table. "This is what the Egyptians use for wands. It was originally used by an Egyptian Hunter of Artemis. Now, because I am not descended from the Pharaohs I can't use their magic. I can only preform shield spells and that revival spell. Both draw off of ambient magic."
"Wait, so you where trying to revive Thalia?! How come it didn't work?" Annabeth had a hurt look in her eyes.
"Well, because it cured her of the poison. So technically it did its job, just not in the way I wanted it to." Perseus looked at Annabeth and watched the tears that threatened to fall. "Can't you preform it again?" She chocked out. Perseus looked over at Nico and shook his head. "No. A revival spell can only be used once on one object."

The Son of the Deep
DobrodružnéPerseus Jackson. The Son of Poseidon, The Sea Prince, The Serpent King, the Captain of the Blackbeard. These are just some of the names that are used to describe Perseus. Champion of Death and Harbinger of Destruction are what the monsters call him...