Fun Facts (tm) about Ramen, the ruler of ramen

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No amount of Fun Facts (™) about Ramen [rei-men], the ruler of ramen [ra:-men], makes up for being levitated behind Janet as she explores, the notebook up her nose.

"Why do you have a notebook anyway? You remember everything in it!"
"No I don't," she whispered back.
Nero didn't whisper. "Yes you do. What's on page 56?"
"A detailed descriptions of everyone's clothing and hairstyle patterns," Janet answered immediately.
"And on page 132?"
"The attempt to find out universe's true secrets in order to exploit them. Now sush. I am searching."

Nero groaned. Janet never let him even walk because he made "too much noise".

"So what's in the "universe's secrets" page?"
Javet threw her notebook at Nero, still looking around in the pitch darkness like she actually saw something: "Universe's TRUE secrets. I already discovered the normal secrets."
Of course she did.
"That are?"
"That this world is a story being written by teenager in an universe where people like us don't exist."

"Yeah, right."

Nero opened the TRUE secrets' page. It was filled with tiny text, even tinier than Janet's normal handwriting. Nero held the book up with his hair, freeing up his hands, which he used to take a small LED out of his pocket to light the page.

The page was filled with a lot of numbers and seemingly random words, like memory erasing? And also Nero's name? Like, suspiciously a lot?

Before Nero could ask about it, Janet pulled the book back with her powers and scribbled something into it.
"After cross-referencing all 27 sources, the noises should start in two minutes. Be ready."

Nero kept on floating in air, unimpressed.

When in another twenty minutes nothing happened, Janet started talking:
"Now my current theory is that there's a global cons-"
Janet shut up, took a sudden U-turn and started running. She did quick dashes from corridor to corridor until she slammed someone into a wall. The woman pulled a knife and a flashlight out of nowhere and pointed them at the other person.


Nero recognised that face instantly.

The ruler of ramen tried to carefully push themself away from the wall, but then they probably saw the knife and backed off.

Their glossy sunglasses, bought with ramen money, could not hide the bags under their eyes.
And behind them could be seen stacks and stacks on boxes, all filled with instant noodles.

"Yeah? And who the fuck are you?"

Nero sighed, and told Janet with no malice in his voice:
"I told you-"


"-it's nothing."

"It wasn't nothing," Janet defended, "it was Ramen getting their stock"

Nero pulled on his face with his hair.
"It was nothing interesting."
"Oh, anything could be interesting if you add emotion into it!"
Janet bowed over the other, a myriad of objects floating around her.
"This is why slice-of-life comedies are so popular!"

"And what, we're in a slice-of-life comedy?"
"Well, our genre is rather FANTASY but there are also some of these elements. But!"
Janet searched through her notebook.
"As our author is NOT a professional we might see some genre shifts in the future."

Right, the secrets of the universe.

"But, but, in a way, our genre is not important. If only I could find a way to change the text, even ONE word at a time I could crack it all! Now, this obviously needs further investigation, BUT-"

"Please, Janet."

Janet looked at Nero: slurred speech, closing eyes, pained expression.. oh! He was tired! Right, it was 4 am after all.

"Yes, Nero. I'll let you sleep."
"Sweet dreams."

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