Joe. Joe who? Joe crack ring!

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"Forty eight!"
Calam pushed herself up with her hands, then went down again.
"Forty nine! Come on, you can do it!"
One more push-up.
"Aaand one hundred and fifty - great job, Calam!"

Cal took the hand in front of her and used it to pull herself up.
"Thanks, Samil."
"Always!" came the energised answer.
"Now," Cal pulled on her t-shirt with wing-holes, "whoever gets to eating hall first wins!"


"So," Mari started, checking her nails like she didn't even care, "did you hear about the shit that Nero and Janet did last night?"
"What, they broke into everyone's cells because Janet wanted to watch us sleep?" Calam laughed.

"No, guys, don't be mean," Samil injected.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, yeah, what the fuck did the boring 'n sarcastic do this time?"
"Well, we all know it was rather Janet doing it and Nero floating behind like a dog!" Mari snickered, but then she leaned forward and hushed her voice, saying: 
"This is from a friend of a friend of Ramen, but the story goes that Janet is trying to overtake Ramen's ramen busyness~"

"No I'm not."

Everyone screamed. Cal will later say that her's was really badass but it wasn't.

"And you heard it from Pasé, so it's actually friend of a friend of a friend of Ramen," Janet said, floating in the air, expression blank. 
Like a psychopath, Cal thought.

"Ah! No it's not! Nood and Ramen are friends!" Mari defended fiercely.

Janet just floated her notebook to her face, flipped some pages and said: "As of two weeks ago, they aren't. You should fact check more."
"YOU should fact check more! I told you about the MyStErIoUs WaNdErEr yesterday and you fucking believed it!"
Mari added a laugh just to hammer home how much better than Janet she was.

Janet flipped some more pages, floating even higher.
"No I didn't. I was actually fact checking this yesterday night. I found Ramen's drop-off point accidentally. I do that sometimes."
"Oh," Mari rolled her eyes, "you JUST do that sometimes."
"Yes. Now I have to eat my miso-soup."

They waited until Janet was out of earshot.

"That bastard!-" Mari was pulling her hair "She KNOWS about the miso-soup incident!"
"She probably did'n-"
Cal's eyes widened
"Wait, where was her lap dog?"
They looked around: Nero was nowhere in sight.
"She probably finally killed him," Mari snorted.
"Seems legit."


The other two looked at Samil.

"Janet is nice! Remember when she used to call me Samí and it upset me? Well I told her that and she was so considerate! And she apologised and didn't do it again and stuff. You know.
And also.. she seems kind of upset right now."

Mari looked sceptical. She started to raise her finger to object but Cal pushed it down.

"Remember when Nero told us that when Janet feels strong emotions she tends to levitate more stuff because it calms her down?"

The group looked towards the woman. Floating stuff followed her. And she DID look kinda sad.

Cal felt a bit uncomfortable.
"Nero IS the number one expert of Janet."
He's the only expert of Janet.

"Exactly! And Mar."
Mari looked towards Samil, looking upset but trying to hide it:
"Doesn't Janet always give you the best gossip? She's like your best source!"

"I mean YEAH but she's always just so- ugh! She just TELLS me stuff either so fucking neutrally or way too excitedly!"
"Then what is she SUPPOSED to do? She's nice as fuck, just why are you so mean?"

They would have argued more, but Cal whistled, getting her extended possei's attention.

Nero entered the room and, damn, he looked miserable.
Mari ran to him but Nero whisked her away, walking forward.

"Hey, Nero!" Calam beconed.
"You look like crap, what's up!"
Nero looked at Calam and Samil with somewhat empty eyes and croaked out:
"You remembered Joe and his crack ring?"

Samil looked incredibly worried.
"Wait, the Joe who had to leave because the girl who doesn't understand sarcasm started to use sarcasm around him and only him? I mean at least it can't be worse!"
"It is. It's so much worse."
"Wh-hat is it then?"

"She thinks that this reality is a book!"


"Look at the bright side: at least Joe's crack ring ISN'T the worst incident anymore!"

Samil's attempt of optimism was unappreciated.

"So what, crazy lady has another crazy theory, big deal," Mari said to the big circle of people, hungry for anything to break the boredom of life.

"It kind of is."
People turned towards Calam so she made sure to subtly flex her muscles.
"Joe might not had a crack ring but there was SOMETHING up with him. Quick, what's his power?"
After no answer came, she continued:
"This is a prison for the powered and we can't even NAME his. Isn't that strange. And, Mari don't object on this, you literally told me that, he had a habit of sneaking out at weird times."

"And what," Mari sneered, "she gets it AlMoSt RiGhT again? HOW?"

"Dunno. But she probably just noticed something weird and builded an odd theory around it."

They all peered towards Janet and Nero sitting next to him. He seemed to be close to falling asleep while she was trying to get his attention, more and more things floating around her. 
Samil stood up.
"I-I'll.. yeah."
He walked towards Janet and Nero.

Everyone was silent for moments.

"Sooo…" Fem started, "whens the next volleyball match?"
It's as good reason as any to ignore the weirdness around them.

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