Please, just call them Noodles

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How does one make a successful trading empire? With hard work that pays off? Talent that propels you above the rest? Skill to make people do what you want?

Well yes, but actually no.

You win by beating the system.

"Oi, Ramen!" someone shouted, "you have stuff to sell?"
"Stuff" was ramen, the gold of prison.
"What a dumb question, asshat. Good one would be can you pay?"

"Yeah," the buyer said, "I have some lunchpasses. Two per pack of salmon ramen?"
"Haha, no."
The buyer looked affronted.
"First of all, prison lunches are way too disgusting to be worth only two of my precious rare packs. Also, my recent drop-off got interrupted, so the prices will rise accordingly- supply and demand, honey. Three lunchpasses per pack of normal ramen, five per pack of chicken flavoured ramen, oh, and I don't have anything else."

"This is extortion!"
"Whatever then," Ramen said and started walking away.
They stopped, turning towards the buyer.

"..two flavourless packs please."


Ramen walked into the dining room with a swagger only a rich person could embody. They flipped their shoulder length hair, flashed their shiny sunglasses (expensive in prison!) and went on about selling their ramen.
This was the swag life.

"Ray-ray, buddy!" called a dopey voice. 
"Yumel," Ramen replied.
"So what's the story with the disturbed drop-off?"
"Well well, you get right down to business! I guess that I'll return the favour then. It was disturbed by Janet. My seller saw her and got spooked, the coward. Now, I have actual produce to sell."

From experience, Ramen knows that in five minutes it will turn into a crazy rumor like "Janet IS their supplier" or "Janet is trying to TAKE OVER Ramen's business" but really Janet seemed to enjoy the crazy rumors, so Ramen sometimes started them for her, it was no big deal.

Ramen ate the prison food in a table for one, sunglessed bobbing up and down from chewing.


Ramen saw Janet during the afternoon unstructured free time. 
"Hey, Ramen!" she called excitedly, "you still have a bunch of ramen, right?"

"I have a bit, Jan. Why would you ask?" they said, a bit disoriented by the sudden appearance.
"So can I like, I don't know, borrow a bunch of them for a science experiment?" Janet asked, eyes wide.

Ramen considered saying no but how could they?
"Anything for science, honey. Can you tell me about the experiment?"
"Yes, of course!"
"So.. WILL you?"
"What? Oh, rhetorical! Yes, we are trying to find a way to cook tasty noodles!"
"Everybody knows how to cook noodles."
"Well yes, but today we're making pasta bolognese out of them!"

With a final leap, Janet grabbed Ramen's hand and dragged them to prison's kitchen. Over there, a man with dyed blond hair was already waiting.
"Uh, Janet?" he said, "are you, ah, SURE that we can use the kitchen?"
"Kitchen is where people cook food, is it not?"

The man looked uncertain. "I mean, we're not technically allowed, so.."
"Meeeh," Janet said, stretching the syllable, slowly bobbing a pack of ramen up and down with her powers, "it's not a real prison anyway."

This did not calm the man, who Ramen identified as Samil, so Ramen spoke up.
"Well, if any of the guards try something they should be ready to not get their ramen for a nice week. Let's see how they can handle the disgusting prison food," they laughed. Then they processed the rest of Janet's statement.
"Wait, not a real prison?"

"It clearly isn't. ANYWAY!" Janet shouted, pulling out pans and bowl while Samil looked at Ramen and mouthed "tell you later". Ramen raised their eyebrow but didn't comment, instead focusing on Janet, who had been talking the whole time as fast as raindrops during a storm on a metal roof.
"So tomatoes will be replaced with dried tomato powder and water, which will NOT taste like tomatoes but hey, it will taste LIKE tomatoes, if you know what I mean, aaaand this should be it!"

"Well I'm always happy to help, as you all clearly know," Ramen said, backing off, "but I will not leave you to it!"
"Wait, you won't help?" Samil asked, confused and.. maybe a bit sad?

Ramen was also a bit confused: "You want me here?"
Samil nodded, if a bit uncertainty, and Janet shrugged: "If you want to be here then I want you to be here."

This felt.. nice. It's not often people want Ramen to stick around AFTER they've sold the produce. 
"Well, if you insist, I guess I must stay around."


The bolognese came out delicious. Nothing that a Michelin star restaurant would claim ownership to, but compared to the rest of food they have eaten?
Yeah, it was great.

"So, should we, um, do it again sometimes?"
"Yeah, it was FUN!" Janet said, bobbing up and down with everything around her.

Janet and Samil looked at Ramen.
"Welllll.. why not!"

Fully Magical, Luxury Prison sentenceWhere stories live. Discover now