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 "Aerum, this is too annoying there are so many people out there, that too drunk.... I can't go and handle them." Haneul complained while playing with the zipper of her leather jacket.

Haneul never had liked alcoholics, she despised them in short. She always was that kind of a person who sat all by herself jamming to some music and minding her own business when her family or so called friends were having a drink.

However for the past few weeks ever since she had started this job she had been finding it difficult to ignore the people she despised as her work life revolved around drunken people. But she couldn't just walk out of this job since it was somehow her only source of livelihood. Plus she had also found a shelter and a really good friend –Aerum. Haneul had finally realized that to survive in a place like Seoul she did need a lot of monetary support so quitting the job wasn't an option at all.

"Bro! You have to go out there no matter what, do you realize how beautiful your voice is...huh...you were born to be a singer...I know with a voice like yours you should be a professional singer  but at least you can consider  this place to be your ...I don't know vocal training school or something." Aerum giggled softly.

She zipped up Haneul's leather jacket and swiped a coat of gloss over Haneul's soft pink lips and muttered, "Now Go".

Haneul huffed and took in a long breath and went out with a black mic in her small hands. Some people who were still sober gave her a slight smile and applauded while most who were already drunk and lost in their own worlds didn't even bother to take a look at what was going on.

Haneul didn't care what people said or did, she knew she just had to sing and so she did that. She had decided that she would perform a composition by her favorite singer in the Korean music industry namely Choi In Ha.

As soon as she started singing the song she felt all her anger and tensions vanish away and she only could feel the music and the beats of the song. Each time she hit the high notes she felt elated, in fact she was singing better than the original version and the thought that one day she would be a singer officially, made her smile between the song.

Haneul nearly had come to the end of the song and was about to conclude when she suddenly saw a man in his mid twenties getting up from his bar stool. She was confused and thought the man was probably another drunkard who would tell her to stop singing but to het utter surprise the man didn't. The man neither moved nor said something, he just stood there and only on focusing she realized that the man was teary eyed. She didn't know what to do so she thought that continuing the song was a better idea.

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