Chapter 7 (Straws)

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                                                                         Lucky two straws


                                                                              Adele's POV


      The limo ride was chaotic! The hole time everyone was throwing Skittle at each other! But Liam did hold my hand! Best part of the ride. We walked in, and there was paparazzi everywhere. Me and Em's had to walk in between Niall, and Liam. I felt a little bit safer knowing Liam was right behind me. When we got inside everyone took off in different directions! Leaving me and Liam just standing there. It was an awkward silence just me and him standing there. Finally he took my hand again led me over to a place with just a whole bunch of coaches and seats and stuff. Looks like Zayn and Perrie beat us to the back corner with no window... I really hope Liam can kiss that good, or better, better would be good. We sat down in the other back corner, there was window there. It kinda worked out for the better cause we gotta watch the sunset. "So tell me about you?" I said as we sat down.


      "Well, I gave you my auto-biography. I wanna hear yours."

      "Well, I'm Liam James Payne, I'm a famous singer. I have a fear of spoons, and I'm thinking about shaving my head."

      I rolled my eyes. "Not the stuff I already know about you. Like things maybe fans don't know." There was another awkward silence. "Okay that sounded a little creepy. I mean, do you like sports?" I asked changing the subject.

      He scratched the back of his head. "Well I play foot ball with the guys a lot. But I used to do a bit of boxing and a little running. What about you?"

      "Cool. I'm a cheerleader. And I was dancer when I was little." He frowned. Crap! Danielle was a dancer! Why on earth would I mention that!?

      "Hey I've gotta use the restroom, I'll be right back." he got up and left. As soon as I couldn't see him anymore I grabbed my phone and texted Em's. I told her where I was and she met me.

      "What's wrong?" I told her everything. And how it was just awkward. But I was too scared to loose him! I might love him. I just don't know. I tend to go over-board with the whole crush thing. Her advice was to get him on the dance floor. How would that help!?! Well I think she's crazy but I'm gonna do it anyway. And sure enough he was right back.

      "Wanna dance?" I asked him.

      He looked at the dance floor, lots people, it sure was crowded. "Umm... sure." The song was something Katie Perrie. As soon as we get out on the floor, it changes to a slow song. I stopped walking, but Liam didn't. I followed him. I put my hands together behind his head, and my head on his shoulder. He put his hands on my hips. I already knew what it felt like to slow dance... but not with a guy like Liam. I got carried away in the song. It did feel like a fairytale. I felt like I was going to cry when it ended. But we kept dancing for a while. Apparently he could tell that I was hungry. Cause the music was way too loud for him to hear my stomach growl. "Do you want something to eat?"

      Me, not knowing what to say, spit out, "Who's buying?" I'm glad he laughed cause I felt like a jerk.

      "The famous guy." played along. I smiled and he grabbed my hand as we walked to the little restaurant type thing. "What would you like?"

      "Hmm..." So many thing sounded good! Pizza, toasted BLT, filet Mignon, spicy chipotle chicken, yum! I don't know what type of soup it was, but there was a picture, and it looked good! "I don't know! It all sounds good."

      "You you like pizza?"

      "I love pizza. Pepperoni is my favorite."

      "Mine too." he smiled. I couldn't help but notice his eyes get brighter when he smiles. Those chocolate brown eyes. He ordered and got a large pineapple smoothie for us to share... two straws of course! We went to a table toward the back. It was a nice and small two person table. Maybe two should be my new lucky number. He pulled my chair out for me and of course I said thank you. He opened both straws and put them in. I thought it was kinda weird, I mean, I shared drinks with people all the time but we would just share a straw too. I've drank out of the same straw as Em's so many times.

      "Hows your pizza?"

      I swallowed then said, "Great hows yours?"

      "Okay I guess."

      "I'm sorry, but is something wrong?"

      His face just dropped. He was quiet for a while, but finally said, "Its nothing. Hows the smoothie?"

      I couldn't help but to giggle a little."Umm, I don't really like pineapple. I'm sorry I don't want to sound diva-"

      "Your not a diva."

      "And I'm really not trying to be rude, and I also don't like peaches... Wait what?"

      "Your not a diva I said." he laughed a little. "I just got dumped by a diva I think I know one when I see one." I think he regretted what he said cause he looked over his shoulder and kinda like hit his own head. I don't know how to explain it, it was weird. "Can you excuse me for a second?" he walked toward the restrooms. Damn it! Why can't I have a good time with Liam freaking Payne!?! Cause every time it gets the least bit awkward, he has to 'go to the bathroom' or 'can you excuse me?'     I texted Ems:

<Dani to Em's 11:57> Every time something kinda weird, or awkward comes up he leaves! Hes coming back, but still! annoying! Where r u anyway?"

      He's kinda getting on my nerves. Wait! Is that him? That was fast. Oh no, I know what he was doing. He came over and set the large strawberry milkshake, again lucky two straws.

      "You didn't have to-"

      "I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You'd better like strawberry."

      "I love strawberry."

      "Good. Have you seen any of the guys?"

      "Nope, not lately. Why?"

      "Cause its getting late and I think its about time to go." We almost finished the milkshake when he took it to throw it, and our smoothie, and our pizza plates away. "I gonna need your help finding them all."

      "Well Zayn and Perrie, last time I saw them, were making-out on the coaches." I said.

      "Okay, I'll let you off easy and you find Zayn and Niall, I'll find Harry and Lou." He took off toward the dance floor and I worked my way to the coaches. They weren't at the coaches any more. I thought this was going to be easy. Niall and Ems both love food, TO THE FOOD COURT!!!!! They weren't there. Maybe Ems or Perrie are in the ladies room. I went and opened the door. I saw feet in one stall, but I don't think Perrie was wearing fuzzy neon yellow boots. I waited and washed my hands when Nicki Minja came out. I would have said something if I wasn't on a mission. Next place... the bar, Niall's Irish, so... ya. Not there. I guess since Em's never answered, she could be dancing. I found Liam wondering around the dance floor. Liam had a horrified face when he caught up with me.

      "There not here anymore."

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