Chapter 5

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About 6 months had passed and me and Laine had got closer. There was one thing that was going to make us even more closer than before though. It was the night those stupid Soc.'s jumped me and left me crumpled in the lot. I know I have skipped a lot but I only want this to be of the memories that stick out every time she goes through my mind.

It started just as me and the boys finished a game of football at the lot and we departed our ways. I headed for home. I hated going home to my abusive parents but I had no where else to go at the moment. As I got closer I heard there arguing. My parents never argued without me around. I opened the door and closed is slowly hoping they wouldn't hear. I was too late though.
"There is that worthless piece of sh*t now"
I heard my dad say in a fake introduction tone.
"Why the hell are you back?"
My mom asked. Her cold words hurt then made me made I clenched my fists.
"What cat got your tongue?"
She asked throwing her beer bottle at my face. I immediately felt my eye swell. I ran out the house and headed for the lot ignoring my parents screaming from the porch. I was so close to the lot when I heard an engine slow behind me. I turned to see a blue mustang. I knew it was those dang Soc.'s and they were defiantly drunk if they were around these parts. I started to speed up. It wasn't until I reached the lot 4 Soc. boys hopped out the car.
"Look at his poor little greaser"
One said. I heard them all laugh.
"Get em guys!"
The same boy said. I started to run and one grabbed my jacket. I untangled my self and kept running. The boy who took my coat off threw it and kept running after me. One caught me and tackled me to the ground. I wasn't that great at running so of course they caught me. They pinned me down. One had my arms and the other my feet. The one who ordered them to get me was off to the side watching while drinking his beer. The final one stood above me as he flipped his switchblade out. As the boys held me down the one with the switchblade cut me up every where possible probably while the one who ordered them beat me. He had a bunch of rings on cutting up my face with each punch. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and blacked out for most of it. I knew when they were gone though and I just laid there. I couldn't move I hurt so bad and I wanted to cry and just die right there. I swear I sat there for hours or minutes I couldn't tell. I wasn't until I heard yelling and crying that I knew it was the boys they had found me. I just laid there I couldn't move.
"Johnny? Johnny?"
Soda kept yelling. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I felt Soda wrap his arms around me and I saw his face barely through my eyes that were almost shut. He was crying I started crying I was hurt so bad. I looked at my white shirt it was stained in blood. I felt Soda puck me up and carry me. I knew we were heading back to their place. I don't really remember much but I know Darry had cleaned me up and put new cloths on me. I was laying in Pony and Soda's room. I had a bandage around my head and my torso. I had a long cut down my stomach and my head was all cut up from being punched and kicked from the one Soc. with the rings. He only punched me once in the face leaving a scar I knew would be there forever. I heard the screen door slam from where I was laying still flinching in pain and tears still streaming down my face. I thought everyone was here so I didn't know who that could be. Then I thought of Laine she probably just got off her shift. I heard some mumbles then so etching hit the ground and before I knew it she came running through the door.
She asked in tears now. I had a black I still and I think I had a bloody nose now. I still couldn't move and I wanted to kiss her and tell her everything was alright.
She yelled in tears. Darry came through the door. He looked at me and I was right my nose was bleeding again. He picked me up and laid me on my back. He then grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned up my nose.
"There ya go bud"
He said patting my leg. I turned to face Laine as he walked out the room. I was almost there until the pain rumbled through my head and I flinched back. She started to cry even more and I couldn't bare to see her so upset.

Did Laine really care for me? I still wonder this because I lost her before I could ever know.

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