Let's drink!

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I finally have what I was looking for.... Spices and a kettle of milk and butter!

I went back to my lair and explained, finally hammering in their minds not to bite the humans.

But I was suspicious.

The people of the village managed to keep the soldiers quiet by their significant share of meat.

Albus, the former village chief and now a wise and healer, accompanied Pirnouille with the accomplice children and a cart with some equipment for sale and the halberd repaired, grain and coffee, milk and butter the following week.

But people followed the cart into a dead end...

A boat? Fishermen? That's what the rumor was saying.

At the end of the stone path, the horse pulled the cart on the sand and it was harder for the poor beast. They then put boards with a groove for the wheel and, like rails, they moved the cart like Egyptian blocks

They stopped and unloaded the material on the altar

Then they backed off and Pirnouille drew the tariffs on the sand.

When they looked up at the sky, they saw two points...

"Ah... He's not alone..., you have to be careful."

The wise Valdor did not understand the dwarf's gestures. But an ancestral fear seized him when he saw the creature landing, another in hover flight.

Valdor: "A wyvern! We're lost...!"

I made a cross on what I wanted and went to get the game hunted in advance.

I filed the exact number for the transaction.

And Pirnouille came forward with the Halberd and handed it to me.

I took it like a warrior and greeted the dwarf. Then I looked at the excellent work done by the little man and backed away and did a kata, giving the image of mastery of the weapon and respect for it. I carefully slipped it into its sheath.

Then I saw Valdor.

I tried to pronounce Hello but it was scary, even for me.... What a voice from beyond the grave... I might as well keep quiet....

I opened my bag and took most of the goods, leaving the furniture, but later.

Valdor: "Strange creature, I see you're a dragon, my name is Valdor"

I then write -Sarge Flamm!

"Why, you a dragon can read and write the Ancient?"

- I was human before the accident. Now I'm a dragon.

"Did you know the old world?"

- Yes...

Valdor was jumping for joy.... A witness from the golden age, before the cataclysm...

Valdor: "What are you doing here?"

- Barter! I explore the world. See if you can figure out what happened. Me, fallen from the stars.

Valdor: "You won't hurt us then?"

- No... I'll tell my family not to attack human.

I'm a dragon, not a criminal.

The men were relieved

- I'll plant a spear with a list of goods to trade and come the next day to buy. Okay?

"Deal! "

- keep. The secret place then.

The men left the cart full of meat and the barter made.

JAWS (TOME 9 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now