The guards of darkness

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On the camp, everyone was tense...stuck in the plane, waiting for one or two soldiers.A black mass arrived on the horizon. A quad copter.The ship was extended, as if unfolded. Huge turbines supported this flying elevator.But there was no cockpit....!Jack, however pilot wondered what a monstrous drone was doing there.Then, in the fold of the structure, cables fell to the ground and 2 samurai silhouettes descended. They were monstrously frightening in their inhumanity.Their blackness and aura of terror contrasted with the jade blue of the sea.They fell from the cable as if in a slow motion movie, as if time around them had almost stopped.Immediately, the sky was covered, as if by a mist, and everything became sinister.In perfect silence, they straightened their backs like two sides of the same mirror, and then, at that moment, the refugees saw their red eyes. There was no color in them. It was as if they had come out of a black and white movie.With their swords in hand, they slowly put them back into their scabbards.In a microsecond they already knew who was who.The fisherman trembled and screamed when he saw them. He recognized the coats of arms corrupted by the death of their former generals.One of the terminators approached the unfortunate man. But before Locke, Jack or John could intervene, there was only silence. The head rolled to the ground.The tilted head of the samurai in battle stance did not straighten his head but swung it around and stared Jack in the eye, holding the fisherman's head.In a voice from beyond the grave, combined with the tremolo of an inhuman robot: "ESPION!""ENTER!"The quad bike rose into the air and the two samurai, ignoring the clamors, cries and protests of the terrorized passengers, stood at attention in front of the plane's stairs.Like two watchdogs, they scanned the horizon but it was empty. They saw without eyes... They knew where everything was in their minds. They were monsters. A combination of a terminator, a demon oni and a general of powerful armies, fanatics of bushido. Locke dared to get off the plane first, with the two monsters on either side of him...Then he took some distance and observed."Fascinating...Amazing...""I'm Locke... Nice to meet you..."In a heartbeat, the 2 robots: "We know who you are, Locke..." in a cavernous voice.Locke was joined by Jack and John."Why did you kill the fisherman..."No answer...Who are you?"OUR LORD SARGE WILL ANSWER IN DUE TIME"...They tried to contact the ship. They received a tic of answer but nobody answered, or wanted to answer.A moment later, one of the suits of armor replied, "Do as you are told and all will be well."Locke looked at Jack. We're not going to get anything out of this... It looks like a combination of robot and ancient statue. Their strength must be insane.Jack: "We don't know anything about this Sarge or this ship....And then there are these monsters, powerful pterodactyls..At one point, the guards let out a few prerecorded draconic grunts.ARRRGGH GRAAAH ROAAARR CLICKL GRAAGG.. That was what they heard without understanding anything. The terminator did not answer any questions. The passengers saw two wyverns running away. The message must have been terrible. We could hear them protesting in their flight.But nobody dared to leave the protection of the guards.Jack was close to breaking down due to his lack of sleep and struggling to overcome the events that led him to China, and the island afterwards. Meanwhile, one of the passengers trying to fish was swept away by a strong current in the ocean. People were yelling at the robots to save him but he was caught by a shark.The robots were impassive.They had warned him.Locke realized that these monsters were ruthless.Angry, he put his face close to the helmet and noticed the lack of flesh around his teeth. An abomination that made him recoil in terror."Are you robots? Do you have a soul?"The two robots turned their heads in sync to look at each other."We are the devoted servants of our master and lord SARGE. Yes, he has given us a soul."Locke was shocked and worried.Who was this Sarge? A lord? Giving a soul? It didn't make sense, but the robots had reacted. They were not really robots anymore but terrifying warlords.Then a scream came from the kitchen.A lady shouted: "We have been taught our last bottles of water!There must be a thief!Why? And how?Desperate, Jack asked one of the guards to accompany them to the source.Without saying a word, one of the guards moved in the right direction. Taking half of the survivors behind him. A bath would also be welcome.But they were worried and could see the wyvern swirling in the distance. It was out of the area, but close enough to taunt and panic the humans.They were tenacious and vindictive.The bandit samurai drew his bow and aimed at the creature and, like a bullet, the arrow pierced the sky. No one had ever seen an arrow fly so fast, so far and with such precision. The Wyvene was just a speck in the sky, and could be heard cawing, probably scratched or frightened by the arrow. The message must have been clear.It disappeared into the sky.The Samurai terminator was impassive and silent.Meanwhile, the children and their mother bathed in the small lake below the waterfall, hidden from view by the rocks.Others were filling water bottles and even a wineskin. The plastic bags were locked in traps to make tanks as well. No one knew when or how they would be rescued but they had to stock up at all costs. Other monsters were perhaps watching. Or even enemies?Locke found an animal trail and decided to follow it with John. They came to a clearing and as he walked, the sound of the ground was different.As he scraped some dirt, he felt like a flat surface."Come see what I found!"Men saw help the trio clear the plate and they realized it was a heavy door from a bunker.

"Come see what I found!"Men saw help the trio clear the plate and they realized it was a heavy door from a bunker

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It was probably part of a more complex, buried network.Jack: "Who knows if there's any food in there? Or a way to contact the rescue?"The terminator arrived, impassive and held out his hand."No danger..." Then he turned around and repositioned himself near the lake.The terminator's priority was to remove the threat of the wyvern. The rest didn't matter."ARRRGH," Locke complained."It's stuck. It must have rusted."John: "No, stop, don't force it you'll break the handle and we'll never get in.. The only way is to heat it up to expand the gears. You have to build a fire on it!Jack: "Are you crazy?John : "No, believe me... when a nut is stuck, you heat it up! It unscrews itself afterwards."So they brought back some wood and made a pile on it.Then they lit a fire and waited a good two hours. The door was burning, but John was right.The handle turned and they were able to lift the trap door to a vertical staircase, to a deep hole, six meters below... It smelled musty. It was like opening a pharaonic tomb...

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