Jongho Who?

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Choi Jongho, otherwise known as jjong. The name that belongs to the most handsome boy in school. His hair black and always mostly parted in the middle or in coconut style. Big beautiful brown eyes always looking for something new to look at. The most quiet yet the most caring. He is an excellent student and wants to help out as much as he can. Girls and guys chased him everywhere. However, Jongho didn't pay attention to any of them. Its not like he didn't want to,  he simply didn't notice how handsome he is.

Jongho was apart of a senior soccer team in his school. Every day after school he would head to practice. He was the strongest player on his team, even having the strength to break apples with his bare hands. Jjong was always very invested in soccer and practiced into the night. The only thing that stopped him from playing all day was school but in the majority of his time, he'd be playing.  Being the quietest yet popular came with benefits. Everyone knew who he was but he didn't have many friends. They all came to his games to cheer for him even HongJoong. 

Hongjoong was Jonghos only friend but hongjoong was now in university. Joong was the first to approach Jongho in freshman year. They quickly became friends and hung out quite a lot. On weekends they went to get coffee, studied together, played soccer, and much more. Hongjoong was a sophomore at the time of Jongho being a freshman. They spent all their time together while they could. Until Hongjoongs time to graduate came. Jongho started to shut himself out of the world and became super shy.  He missed Hongjoong with his whole heart. Jjong spoke to those when needed but no one knew the real him nor did they bother to ask so Jjong figured it was best to keep it to himself.

Always walking down the halls by himself, sitting alone, practicing on the field with no one around. The silence started to comfort him and he loved it. He had no one now since Hongjoong left. People said hi and would wave, crack jokes, smile, call him cute behind his back, and much more. Little did they know he didn't have anyone.

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