The boss baby

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The halls went quiet. Everyone stood with their heads turned in shock. The three boys who once held Yeosang and his book bag by their hands froze still holding onto him slowly losing their grip. The bell rang yet no one dared to make the first move. The teacher that usually sat in the corner of the hall to keep an eye out had their jaw to the ground. The students all eyeing and pointing but no one spoke a single word. It hasn't been this quiet since forever. Only one person's footsteps could be heard.

What just happened?  

Yeosang had his eyes closed without realization. He was too afraid to look since he didn't hear any movement or words. His body dropped to the ground and he started to pick himself up. Eyes still closed. He just sat there in his thoughts. The bullies just dropped him. Just like that. This never happened before. Though they stopped grabbing him and speaking nasty things to Yeosang, Yeosang became more frightened of the silence.

Yeosang sat on the ground quietly. Finally managing to open his eyes but only able to look down. He saw the shoes of his bullies starting right next to him. Everything was quiet until the voice was heard again.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" The person growled loud enough for the vibration in his voice to be felt physically.

The three bullies backed away as Yeosang saw a pair of shoes slowly approach. For the first time, they had nothing to say back.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM" the voiced even louder and scarier. 

the shoes got closer and the voice got angrier.


"get out of my face before I turn this into a bloodbath" the same voice spoke but softer and quieter. "This isn't a show get moving" the growl still can be heard.

everyone moved away faster than ever. Yeosang getting ready to get up noticed there was someone bent down next to him. Once Yeo looked up he noticed the boy smile. His smile calming and made him feel like he was safe. The boy stretched his hand out in order to help him up.

"Are you okay?" he spoke.

Yeosang almost in tears. he's never been asked such a question. why did he care?

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