The Note

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*Later that day, Current time- 7:56 pm*

Heavy breaths echoed the hallways as Jongho stepped foot in his School for the first time in 3 hours. His feet slapping the floor from exhaustion, his legs shaking from how long he practiced. If you were there you'd probably be able to hear some of his sweat hit the floor, it was that quiet. He began to make his way over to the locker rooms. Jjong knew his school like the back of hand. He was able to walk around corners while not looking. The school was always empty at this time so Jjong didn't really care about his appearance. He wore his hoodie with his basketball kind shorts, hair spiked up from rubbing it with the towel around his neck, along with slippers since he liked to practice without shoes.The halls were darkened. There were almost no lights on. Just one shedding out of the boys locker room. It was super faint and can be seen around the corners almost as if the light bended. Slowly walking down the halls Jongho began to hear a soft sobbing. He stopped dead in his tracks now debating with himself to see if he actually was in the mood to go check.

Jongho: I meannnnnnnnnnn what if that thing is trying to kill me?? WE ARE IN SCHOOL STUPID.

also Jongho: what if it needs help? :( ......don't call them "it"....... they have to be living since its crying right??? what if it can read my mind? :O I need to stop and mind my own business.

Silence ate up the suspense as Jongho made up his mind. He went with the idea of walking away since it really wasn't his problem and he didn't want to bother anyones alone time. Continuing his way to the locker rooms he heard it faintly disappear. Not like they stopped crying but as if it was on the other side of school. Possibly even coming from the band or math room. The two were right next to each other.

Jongho was a little spooked since this was never heard that late in the building. He slowly turned the corners with precautions to avoid any jump scares or having to punch someone from shock. Jjong finally made it to the locker room door, he began peaking his head in to the left. He was suspicious of the too much quietness. It was almost too perfect. Usually in the locker rooms you'd always hear a Faucet dripping water. That was not the case today. As jongho approached the faint lit locker room he heard,


His named was yelled loud enough to send echos throughout the whole school. Jongho jumped in fear grabbing on the door frame looking for the person who so rudely disturbed his alone time . Weirdly the soft sobbing stopped and all that could be heard were shoes hitting the ground harder than rocks as the person who the sobbing belonged to ran away. A skateboard being dragged behind them making screeching noises. The same noise that twists your guts.

"Who?" Jongho said in a soft voice. Almost soft enough to not even be heard by himself.

"Jonghoooooooo don't play games, you know why I'm here haha. I left a little note in your locker. call me if there are any change of plans" said someone in the dark. Footsteps were heard with every word, they were getting closer.

Jongho still at the door of the locker room waiting to match a face to this mysterious voice. As the footsteps got closer


Three lockers slammed at once. Nothing was heard after that. Nothing but the water that randomly started dripping again. He made his way to his locker and opened it. The mysterious human wasn't lying. Sure enough the note fell right on his slippers. Jongho opened it as he picked it up. It read:

"Call me when you want to talk, prettyboy ;) we have business to speak"

"745-356-2673" *Number is not real*

"love, your new buddy <3"

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