Finals Are Never Fun

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*Present day*

This was one of busiest weeks of Jonghos life. He had to prepare for finals and many other exams that the teachers decided it was a good idea to give on the same week. On top of the stress of having to take them. He also needed to pass with an A or more. If Jjong didn't, he would risk losing his position on the soccer team. No matter how strong or how good he is at doing his job. Jongho needed straight As to continue since they didnt want kids to "abuse the system". The coach hated this rule, he had lost some of his best players due to this so he always pushed jjong to his limits both physically and academically. Jongho has a lot of strength and could handle himself pretty well. He studied a lot but not as much as he practiced, still making him super smart. Top of his class. Giving him the power to almost handle everything thrown on him.

Jongho was sitting in the library studying during his lunch break. He didn't have time to get food so he got coffee and a protein bar instead. One thing about Jjong is he LIVES off of coffee. No more than 7 americanos a day of course. As he relaxed while reading over his notes, drinking his coffee. He so happened to hear something on the speakers;


JONGHO: im sorry what?

Random kid in library not minding his business: He said the soccer game was mov-

JONGHO: I know I heard. I just needed time to process it but thank you :)

Random kid: Oh ok.

It was fine to take breaks from soccer, however, no matter how busy his week is. HE. HAS. TO. Jongho began to panic. jjong kind of went into a state of shock and somehow convinced himself that he forgot everything he's done. He is full of strength but this caught him off guard. The game against the eagles was now this Saturday and he had a whole week ahead of him. Plus its not like this week is the easiest to get through.

Sadly, it was only Monday.

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