Chapter 14: Hestia

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Here's a second chapter at 2:00 am! Yay! Enjoy! Also guess the next character to appear!-😈

11 years later

"Princess Hestia Calore and Prince Samson Calore. Please enter the arena." Oh yes! I think, He doesn't stand a chance.

"Go, Sammy!" Z yells. El sticks her tongue out at him and smiles.

"Go on Tia!" She cheers me on, as always. I face Sammy. Instructors Samos always put us together. Or rather Lady Evangeline and Lord Potlomeus do, Lady Elane just watches. They like to challenge us with each other, I'm a newblood and Sammy is sliver. But we're equally matched, Father always says that. The second they tell us to fight, I knock Sammy flat on the floor, attacking him with my fists. I then summon a special fire that I and only I can control. It doesn't take long for me to get him trapped by my special fire completely.

"Do you yield?" I ask him, trying to remain serious, though I would much rather laugh at how easily I beat him this time. Probably has a new crush or something. He nods and I let up. 

"Excellent job, princess Hestia," says Instructor Evangeline. Minutes later, she whispers something to her brother, who sighs and hands her money. I giggle at them. They bet on our match. Just like a real arena. Instructor Potlomeus says "Can anyone tell me who had the advantage and what mistakes Prince Samson made?" El raises her hand. Such a nerd.

"Neither had the advantage, however Sammy got a bit distracted in the beginning."

"Excellent work Princess Elara. You are all dismissed please attend the common lessons tomorrow. I would like to see you face off against different people for once," states Lord Potlomeus. I hear Lady Evangeline mutter something about him being jealous as we curtesy or bow and then leave.

I touch each of my siblings minds, we have a bit of like a special connection where we commicate in each others mind. A quadruplet thing I guess. Race ya! I say. Last one to mother is a scarlet guard officer! They giggle and we burst into sprints. Of course El wins. She got father's sharp mind. She wins with her head. We wait outside mothers room for our father. We always visit together.

"Hello children," he says. We all stiffen and stand in a straight line. Even though we love father, he unnerves us. Something seems off about him.

"Hello father," we say in unison. He smiled at us cheerily.

"Let us go see your mother." We walk in and he leads the way. Then we all run at mother and embrace her. She doesn't come out much, but we love to see her. Father often gives us each time alone with her. He steps out for a minute for "business". She laughs.

"Stop it! You're crushing me! You all got so big! So what's the latest news? Did Sammy find a new girlfriend?" Sammy groans and flushes sliver, as we all break from the hug. We feel an odd bit of weight lifted.

"Mother, listen. I had just a phase with Samos. Just a phase." We all laugh at that.

"Alright, alright. What about El?"

"I'm still the top of class!" She is jumping up and down like a three year old.

"I would never expect otherwise," nods mother, "And Z, how's training going?"

"Good, father wants to teach me about population control, as I'll be the kings advisor." Mother stiffens for a second then relaxes.

"How...interesting. And Tia?"
"Well, mother, I have a new maid! She's kind, sweet, and got the most beautiful honey colored eyes. I can have a new friend, different than the rest of the stuffy kids here!" Mother looks rather uncomfortable as she responds.

"Really? Well that's wonderful!" Then her expression goes a bit hallow as father walks in.

"Hello Maven."

"Hello Mare." Many interactions between them are uncomfortable. I like it when they send us away. It's too stressful. When we exit, we see Samson's ex girl friend. He gulps. Luckily her attentions are on Zeus. We slowly edge away and then we all break into a sprint. We all dash down the secret passageways leading to our bedrooms all in a row. My room has painted red yellow and orange walls with the nortan seal on the sealing. There's a tile floor with a beautiful manhgony wood bed in the center. And next to that on a nightstand are my gifts from mother and father. My favorite gift is a photo album with pictures of her old family and us.

We all have one. My siblings rooms look the same, except I have a secret door. Being youngest definitely comes with perks. I have to turn the knob in the back of my closet and I have a meadow. I've always wanted to share it with my freinds, as in the servants. The other kids here (excluding my siblings) are pretty snobby. Stuck up. Spoiled rotten. Just generally unpleasant.

But the Reds aren't. And that girl just radiates with the aura of a good, interesting, kind person. I feel a connection to her. I think I'll take her there sometime soon. But for now I have to study for Uncle Julian's test on father's rise to power. It'll be a breeze.

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