Chapter 26: Mare

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Hi! Here's the latest update! Enjoy!-😈

Well that was a night to remember. Or should I say nights? Everyday he forced me into his room. It was a living h***. And, yay! I'm pregnant. Again. With Maven's children. Why me? I have suffered so much all ready. And I feel grateful and fearful at the same time. I guess he really broke me into exactly what he wants. A willing, obedient prisoner. On most levels.

But as much as I hate this, I hate Queenstrial more. The day I met them. But today is the day it truly started. First Friday. Just days before Queenstrial. My money's on the Samos/Merandus kid. I wince. Being married to a Merandus might be as bad as marrying Maven. Poor Evangeline. But she got rid of him. And I'm still here. Trapped. I thought I would lose hope completely, but I realized the weaknesses I had assumed I had, were strengths. I will escape. I WILL ESCAPE.

I'm so happy when my kids get home. I miss them, they brighten my days just a bit more. And I guess I'll have, what, two more? That's definitely my luck. I have a fear of Queenstrial.

It haunts me. If only Queenstrial had happened a day before. If only Evangeline hadn't tossed my balcony to the ground. If only I hadn't met.... No, I tell myself, do NOT go there. The dress I am to wear for Queenstrial is a luxurious purple ball gown with rubies. A memory and a message. I never imagined Queenstrial quite like this.

The first time I saw it was from a servant's point of view. A royal's look is far different. A view high above everyone else. For once, Maven doesn't seem at ease. He's remembering too, as I am. I feel an unwelcome rise of comradery. We may have started together but it didn't end that way. He was wearing a crown and I was on my knees. We still are. It makes me suppress the burst of gratitude I receive when Maven sits next to me and doesn't give into the urges inside him. In pure boredom, I start idle conversation. "So, who did you pick for them? Please tell me they are someone sane." Maven chuckles darkly.

"Yes, they are rather good. Samson and Serfina Merandus will pair up nicely. They seem to match and both possess great strength. Hestia and Pradus Iral are good. He'll be good at making her a bit less explosive. Zeus and Margaret Samos are going to work well together, they have been friendly in the past. And Elara and Volo Samos will make a good pair, strong and highly intelligent." I roll my eyes at his lengthy and pointless description.

"It would be just for show. With you it's all presentation," I mutter under my breath, undermining him while I still can. He doesn't hear me and looks far away. I roll my eyes, and put on my careful mask as I sit beside him on the throne so many others have sat. It was their prison too. Now it's mine.

"I'm sorry about those couple nights," he says, shocking me. "I-I wasn't myself. I was in a bad mood, my mother was whispering things." He deserves no pity, no thanks, but I can't help feel a bit better. "You didn't deserve my rage to be taken out on you. It's not like you have done anything in over 15 years." I start to get annoyed. I have a feeling of where this is going. "And Cameron will be here, as an apology and a precaution," he adds. And the feeling of thankfulness disappears. I know the so called "precaution". Clara might accidentally reveal her newblood abilities. As I continue to ponder ( i.e. complain in my head) that thought, I see my children enter, while Cameron is shoved into the throne room, being watched by my Arvens.

They look very grown up and my heart swells with motherly pride. I wish I was worth such great kids. But I'm not. Two liars and betrayers like us, are the worst parents for these amazing children. Yet here we are. I'm the corner of my eye I watch Hestia fidget in the dress. She's like me. Not wanting for this but doomed to be a part of it. Elara watches me. I feel Maven in her glance. She is trying to find the cracks in my mask. She will not. Samson and Zeus huddle together, with a bond only two brothers can have. I have no doubt Zeus is giving him mental support. Like Maven used to for Cal. The only difference is that no Merandus can take them apart.

As they come closer they give me a huge hug, disregarding the rules that are supposed to appear in Sliver events. I smirk at Maven over the tops of their head. He sighs and rolls his eyes. The children stare stiffly at Maven who, for once, actually provides an actually, genuine emotion that isn't corrupted. We sit down together, the children conversing in their minds. And with Maven's elaborate speech ending, Queenstrial commences. I hate watching this. A Merandus girl takes control of two red severants and makes them fight each other. An Animos lets animals fly right into the roof. Samos is quite impressive, creating steel contraptions of metal, animating them and switching them at the speed of light. The Samos/Haven Girl outshines them many of them. Literally. She makes the sunlight grow to an unreachable light and then plunged into darkness. As the ruthless competition ends, the feast begins. We all briefly leave to discuss the winner. As if Maven didn't pick one already.

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