Chapter 5: Bentley

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"Officer Bentley, we are assigning you this case," The Captain slid a thick folder of paper towards Bentley, giving him some time to sift through it for a few moments. It was full of different papers, all full of notes and profiles of different people that even Bentley recognised. Anyone who didn't know of the famous McClain, Kogane, Garret and Holt missing persons cases had to live under a rock deep beneath the ocean. They had been broadcasted on the news for weeks after their disappearance so their faces were etched into most people's minds. The first sheet of paper was filled with information about Henry Griffin, a teacher that had also gone missing around about the same time as the children. "Henry Griffin went missing on the 13th of April three years ago. After a year, officers closed the case because they were unable to find any evidence of a killer or potential kidnapper." Bentley leaned forward in his chair, making direct eye contact with his superior so he knew he was listening to his every word.

"Why open it back up again?"

The Captain cleared his throat before taking the file from Bentley. He pulled out the students's profiles so their faces were on view to the world. "Because of these four."

"Is there a reason you think these kids are related to the disappearance of a respected teacher?"

"Each of them were students at the Galaxy Garrison and this one," The Captain used his index finger to point at the only student whose picture featured a long scowl. He looked like he was glaring at the camera, rendering him unapproachable and looking far from kind. "He had Griffin as a teacher," Bentley nodded. He wasn't one to judge a book by its cover but that student looked like a troublemaker. "It isn't often that people go missing for long periods of time like this but five people in one town? It's unlikely. There has to be some sort of link."

"I agree... could they have been targeted by the same person?"

"That's up to you to investigate," Bentley crossed his legs and shuffled back in his chair. He started to flick through the documents he had been given again, taking particular interest in the photographs of the missing students. The pictures had been taken from the Galaxy Garrison's database so each were grinning widely with their bright, orange uniforms on. All but one, a certain Keith Kogane, Bentley came to realise, who was the one scowling as if he hated the world. There was a distinct kind of darkness behind his eyes which sparked a small fire of curiosity in Bentley's chest. He would certainly be interesting to look into. "We have been notified that one of the children have been found too. Lance McClain. His parents have insisted that we investigate further and, should we wish to speak to them or their son, they will happily oblige."

"Interesting." Bentley's police officer brain was doing spirals, questions diffusing through deep parts of his mind. Why would only one of them come back? Did they escape? Were they in a fit state for an interview? Were they traumatised? Did they have any information? Why did they come back now? Why not a week ago? Why not next week?

"I really think this case could be your breakthrough," The Captain balanced his head on his hands and smiled at the other officer. "If you can get to the bottom of this, everyone will you know your name."

"Of course. Who hasn't heard of this disappearance? I promise I've got this, Sir. I'm going to do you proud."

"Good luck, Officer Bentley." With that, the Captain held out his hand for Bentley to shake. When he did, Bentley couldn't help the heat rushing to his cheeks. It was rare that the Captain shook hands with anyone and it was a sign of serious respect that made Bentley want to hold his head high. They exchanged a curt nod before Bentley walked out of the office. He made his way over to his desk and only then let himself celebrate. He punched the air and shook his hips, a grin filling his face. He only stopped dancing when someone cleared their throat and he realised he wasn't alone.

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