4. all's fair in love and war ✅

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Last couple of hours has ben fun

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Last couple of hours has ben fun.

Real fun.

Josie has ignalusa-ed Penelope for the third time, Lizzie has been throwing antique furniture at Landon, screaming her vocal chords off, while Hope and Raf have been drinking some fine herbal tea. The tribrid and the werewolf tried to stop them but the crazy-asses completely ignored it, so Hope and Rafael gave up. Besides Hope has really missed the werewolf alpha.

"We haven't talked for a while." Hope says as she takes a big sip at her tea. They ignore Penelope's cry for help.

"I've missed you." The tribrid adds when she gathers her courage. She does that thing with her eyelashes and suddenly Rafael forgets how to speak.

"I-I've missed you too." He stutters, he is relieved that he is not bright red. "Do you think they'll kill each other?" She asks when she hears a glass breaking mostly because she wants to break that awkward tension between them, not that she is actually worried about the gemini twins killing their classmates.

"Hopefully they won't. Tea's great by the way." She says and Hope laughs as she gets up to take out a cookie jar from the kitchen cabinet.

"Thank you, you want some cookies? Well, biscottis." She corrects.

"I swear this is the best thing you'll ever eat." She doesn't realize what she is doing but she puts one in Rafael's mouth, feeding him the delicious cookie. Her hands stay a little longer than they should on his lips, the gesture is gentle, yet sensual leaving them both in shock.

She gulps as she turns bright red.

That was wierd.

What the hell is wrong with you Mikealson?!

"Umm, cookie's great." Rafael clears his throat. He feels probably wierder than her.

Well, you're the one who attacked him with a cookie, sooo...

Hope wants to throw herself out of the kitchen window. She hasn't felt that embarressed in her life.

"I-I should check on Lan, Lizzie might've killed him. You wouldn't want the house in flames." He gets up awkwardly while Hope is silently dying in her shame.

"Yeah! Umm- you do that"

She opens her mouth but stops after hearing another cry for help. From a distance. Rafael seems to hear that as well.

"Hey, you hear that?" He asks suddenly in full alpha wolf mode. He is about to wrap his hands on her waist protectively. She knows she is probably hell a lot of stronger than him but he looks cute when he gets protective.

Oh. My. God. What is wrong with you?

But there is no time for self-shame. The truth hits her like a baseball.

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