9. stairway to hell

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Sorry this has taken soooo long. Im really busy and cant really find time to write. This is more like a filler chapter before i gather my mind to write better. Sorry!

It has been two weeks since the last incident. Her mother has taken Mg with her and Satan is also with them. Thankfully. Lizzie just can't stand the bitch. Her darling sister's sulking is not really helping though. That little she devil, Lizzie can't believe how Penelope has her sister whipped like a puppy. She smiles to herself. Puppy.

Wonder where Rafael is? Oh right. He's with Hope.

Hope and Rafael have been working on finding his birth parents or pack or something, honestly Lizzie couldn't care less about the lapdog or his wareeolf issues. One thing she cares about is though, the amout of time he spends with Hope. Honestly, why is everyone so obsessed with Hope Mikealson, what is so different about her.

Sure she has the prettiest smile Lizzie has ever seen and silky hair and a unique aura, but so what? Even Lizzie flirts with her quite often. Which is funny considering before being friends with Hope she was strictly into boys. Apperantly she is not so straight either.

Her point is that Hope and Rafael are spending awfully lot of time together, which is has become more than annoying. This is supposed to be girl vacation.

Not to mention the growing population in the mansion. This was suppose to be a getaway from all that batshit they have been dealing with for the past year. But no, Landon couldn't let them in peace could he?

Landon is... doing something, I guess. Lizzie ignored him most of the times because he is an annoying gnome, she doesn't want to do anything with.

Her twin sister spends most of her day facetiming the she-devil. That leaves the blonde Saltzman utterly alone.

Well there is Landon 2.0... but the idea of spending someone related to that hobbit makes Lizzie wanna barf. She is also concerned about losing her coolness because of their loser DNA. So she has crossed Clarke's name off the list a long time ago.

And there is the whole Monique crisis. She is NOT going to talk about that. She will pretend that nothing's wrong. Except for the fact that every freaking thing is wrong. But she is Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman. She'll manage. She always does.

"Oh guys, you have to try out the new pasta place we've found!" Hope emerges smiling widely. Clinging onto Rafael's arm. Lizzie raises an eyebrow.

I smell drama. Thank god. I've been awfully bored.

"It's in the city centre near the spanish steps. It actually sells uncooked homemade pasta but from 2-4 they sell lunch so you can try them. It was the most delicious thing ever!" The tribrid continues excited, dragging the werewolf along with her.

"Any development on finding Raf's pack?" Landon asks, clearly annoyed at the sudden intimacy between his ex-girlfriend and brother(?). Lizzie knows it doesn't end well when you fall for your brothers girl.

But it is Hope Mikealson, who wouldn't fall for her?

"Nope." Hope doesn't even look at him. Lizzie's honestly proud. "Thank god you guys are back, I was this close to murdering Frodo Baggins out of boredom. Kinda hoping he wouldn't resurrect this time."

Landon mumbels something but Lizzie has him in mute so she doesn't listen.

"I am going to ignore that." Rafael says calmly after wiggling his way out of Hope's grasp, seeing the judgement on his brothers face.

"Good for you." Lizzie rolls her eyes. "If you are done with... whatever you two do together, I'm gonna borrow Hope so that we could have a little chat." She throws a fake smile at Rafaels direction before grabbing the tribrid's arm. Hope just rolls her eyes, she is quite used to the Lizzie's behaviour by now.

"What is going on Lizzie?" The teibrid asks, rather annoyed at the blonde when they get into the kitchen. Lizzie lets go of Hope's arm after siphoning a little magic from her and mumbles a spell to make kitchen soundproof. Considering the supernatural population in this house it is smart of her to think of that.

"What is going on with you?" Lizzie responds. "I have been living in actual hell for the last two weeks, with that loser Landon and his annoying ass creepy brother when you go wandering around Raphael doing god knows what! This was supposed to be a vacation!" She snaps, her voice louder than she intended.

"No Lizzie, you're just distracting yourself from what happened two weeks ago!" Hope yells back in return. She knows Lizzie well enough. "I know how hard it was to see Mg..." she stops. Kill someone "like that. But Ms. Forbes is helping him. And Penelope. Maybe we should talk about what happened back there." Her voice is softer now.

"I don't want to talk about it." The blonde spits out the words. They are witches, she should be used to seeing dead people by now, right? "What are we going to talk about anyways? How my friend killed someone, how he looked at me at his blood-high, how threatened I felt? I thought he'd kill me Hope!" Lizzie feels her face burning, is she about to cry now? Oh god, please no. "I thought he'd kill me!" She repeats. "Mg... he... he was so sweet and... i didn't think he'd be capable of..." She manages to say between sobs.

Soons she feels Hope's petite figure embracing her. "Hey, it's ok. Lizzie. Look at me." Hope's voice is softer than ever. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone." She whispers pulling the taler blonde into a tight hug.

"Girl hug? Without me?" Hope hears Josie's pout. "I may have siphoned the soundproofing spell from the kitchen. What? I was curious." She explains. "I'm sorry as well. I should've known or at least asked how you were doing." She breaths out before wrapping her arms around both of the girls.

"And good news, i've just skyped with Pen. Mg and her will be back in a week. They are both on a strict animal blood diet. So they'll be fine."
Lizzie half laughs and half cries. Honestly this is too much.

Hope opens her mouth to say something before they feel a cold breeze from the suddenly opened windows.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Lizzie snaps. "Five minutes!" Hope groans. "Five minutes without a freaking monster shows up!"

Both of the twins siphons magic from the tribrid before Hope yells "Guys! We've got some company!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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