7. yEPp nOt dRrUNkkk

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Lizzie Saltzman groans in pain

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Lizzie Saltzman groans in pain. Her head is pounding crazy and she feels sick. She didn't know hangovers sucked this much. She raises herself on her elbows to take a good look at the room. She is laying on the floor. On the freaking floor. Her vision is blurry and the room spins. Or what's left of it. The house is a disaster, there are broken antique furniture and torn apart pillows. She notices her friends laying, they are passed out, on the floor.


It's official.

They are just so screwed.

Like really screwed.

And drunk.

Not to mention the house is a complete disaster.

And there is a wierdass monster chasing them.

Did she mention, they're drunk? Like really wasted kinda drunk.

Well, it is all thanks to the one and the only Hope Mikealson.

Maybe she should start from the beginning, it'll all make sense sooner.

36 hours ago:

"At your service Ms F." Milton Greasly is standing by the door with his huge grin. "I'll do everything you say without a question." He is proud.

Caroline Forbes, the Caroline Frobes, asked him to come to Rome, ahem ahem Lizzie's there, and she said that she needed his help.

Well, Milton can't be any happier.

If only he knew why she asked him to come at the first place.

"Well, we have an issue here." Caroline explains. "You have to promise me to stay calm." She knows Penelope Park is his friend. He has to know about the young witch's wareabouts.

Besides she will be teaching Penelope how to be a vampire, she can help Mg as well to overcome his ripper tendencies. But not on the same day, definetely. The newbie vamp is barely controlling anything so she'll take her out of town to a small friendly cottage that her original friend compelled them. But tomarrow, they'll start how not to be a ripper 101 with Milton Greaseley. She is the only one that can teach him right, because come on, she was married with the ripper.

"Oh! Hey Mg, come in!" Hope realizes that the baby vamp is still standing by the door, she quickly invites him in as she walks right from the kitchen.

She is wearing a pair of plaid short shorts and a matching tank top. It looks like pjamas. That's the comfiest he has ever seen of her. She is usually jeans and leather jacket kind of girl. Mg greets her smiling.

He steps inside and notices the golem, Ryan Clarke, who by the way tried to kill them multiple times, peacefully sleeping on the couch.

That is wierd.

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