Chapter 13

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A/N So I'm postpone the Thanksgiving special until I'm ready to continue it and have free time to do so. Also this whole week I may or may not post. I'm gonna post randomly and see where that gets me. Sorry for taking your time, on with the story 


*Wendy's P.O.V*

As soon as they all left I felt a part of me break. I missed them with all my heart, why did this have to happen to me.

I was crying and felt like it was the end for me, I mean what could I do. The only lead I had was now gone and it's not like I could just ask them about it.

They were villians for god's sake. I could join them but I would disgrace my whole guild, what would people say if they found out to get back to Fairy Tail I had to join a group of villains who killed and terrorized people.

My only hope now was to wait it out, I had to keep contacting them and giving them more information about this place.

If someone could find this place it would be Levy. That thought made me laugh. She would do anything to find this place in a book and research it.

It was already dark. So I looked up at the dark shining sky, and whispered "Goodnight Fairy Tail"

*NEXT DAY*(Still Wendy's P.O.V)

I opened my eyes and shielded them with my hands. The light was so blinding and it hurt. I then saw Recovery Girl and she gently said "Ah dear you're finally awake."

I nodded, not wanting to talk."Can you explain something to me" she paused as if waiting for an answer "You don't have to tell me if you want but please listen."

I nodded what could I lose. "Can you explain to me why your body just won't take my powers in?"

I froze why was I so stupid. Of course her powers wouldn't work on me. I was from another dimension, but I couldn't just tell her that.

"I-I-I d-do-don't re-re-really kn-know" I put my head down ashamed. She was just trying to help me but I couldn't just tell her the truth. Not yet at least.

She studied me and then said, " Well it's gonna be pretty troublesome if you do get injured."

I nodded, I also learned that I would heal 4x faster than normal so it didn't really matter to me.

She sighed and before she left "I laid out some clothes for you so you can change. Also your gonna have to get back too class at around 10 okay" I nodded and she left.

I just laid in bed thinking of all the things I need to ask to pass on information on to Levy. I looked at the clock and it said 8:30. 

I still had time to rest, and so I fell asleep.

*Todoroki's P.O.V*

Everyone was talking about the attack and how scared we were when someone said that Mr. Aizawa was gonna be coming back.

They once again started talking when someone came inside. I was shocked like everyone else, It was Mr. Aizawa but he was wrapped like a mummy with holes for his eyes.

Ilda commented "At least he's okay" and Uraraka retorted with "Can you even call that okay?" Mr. Aizawa didn't seem to appreciate this and said "My health is not important to you. 

Anyways your fight is not over" he said with a serious face. Mineta got scared and said "NOT MORE VILLAINS!"

"The U.A Sports Festival is coming up and its a big chance to get scouted by big agency" Kirishima yelled "Yeah its a good way to become a sidekick or have agency's have you for an internships." 

 Right there and than came Wendy. She was late cause of her injury but she looked fine to me. She came in and sat right behind Uraraka.

"Wendy I will explain everything in detail to you separately." She nodded "Now its time to resume training, starting today you only have 2 and a half weeks to prepare."

Everyone was excited that was till Mr. Aizawa said "Well training starts now. Everyone get changed to your hero costumes and meet me at the battle field. " Everyone rushed out to get changed. 

Everyone, except for Wendy who didn't have a costume. She insisted that she didn't need one even though you would need it at some point.    

Finally after everyone begging her to get one she agreed. Her costume wasn't finished yet but she didn't seem enthusiastic about it. 

We all met outside with a mad looking Wendy. It seemed she had an argument with Mr. Aizawa, who also looked pretty annoyed. 

*Wendy's P.O.V*

I walked into the classroom and Mr. Aizawa had told me something, which I absently nodded too. I guess he was talking about battle cause everyone was excited.

He then instructed everyone to go put on their costumes and to go to the battle ground. I didn't want a costume because I feel like it would be pretty dumb.

They forced me to make one which I did and it wasn't ready yet. I hoped it would never be ready cause I didn't want to wear a costume.

I always just wore my normal clothes and that's always worked out for me. I stood right next to Mr. Aizawa. 

"So Wendy we we're talking about the U.A Sport Festival where all the students fight against each other to be noticed from huge hero agency's. 

The point of this is to help students and hero's alike get noticed.This is our reason for training its only two and a half weeks from now."   

This idea sounded pretty dumb for me "Weren't we just attacked by villains wouldn't this just stress us out more. Also I refuse to fight for people's entertainment." 

"This won't be just for their entertainment though its help you guys achieve your dreams of becoming heroes." said Mr. Aizawa annoyed

"I understand that but it still seems unnecessary and I never said I wanted to be a hero I just want  to get back home" I retorted.

I refused to fight just for them to see if I was good enough to be a hero. I already fought so many battles. For the Grand Magic Games it was necessary, everyone underestimated Fairy Tail but we won.

This was just to let "heroes" see our talent and see if they wanted us. "I won't take any part of this. I have gone through enough battles and this is just so heroes see our talent. I refuse!"

"I'm sorry to inform but everyone participates Wendy and that's final!" he said. I just turned around angry. 

I had two choices, win the whole thing and reject every offer I get to rub in his face or just not participate. 

I was angry until I had an idea. I smirked as I walked away from the class.



SO I hoped you enjoyed that and as I said before the Thanksgiving special will be a bit postpone till I have time to finish it. I will finish it around this week and make a short, Christmas and New Years chapter. Please vote, comment, and share this...


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